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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0009050Dwarf FortressMiscellaneous Crashespublic2016-02-25 06:07
Reporterdjthekiller Assigned Tolethosor  
Status resolvedResolutionfixed 
Platformlenovo OSwindowsOS Version8.1
Product Version0.40.23 
Summary0009050: when i start to embark and then i finish preparations i crash: windows has crashed for an unexpected reason
Descriptionafter i choose a place to embark at, my game just starts to crash when i finish my embark preparations, before that however i was able to play dwarf mode and adventurer mode, and then when i created a new world it did the same, and the same with another new world
Steps To Reproducejust embark like normal on my lenovo laptop
Additional Informationonly on my pc
TagsNo tags attached.



2015-08-21 21:38

reporter   ~0032983

i have no idea why, did it with the version be4 this one


2015-08-22 02:55


Are you using any third part utilities? Can you try with freshly downloaded vanilla DF 0.40.24, the most recent version?


2015-08-22 09:24

reporter   ~0032985

i am using the lazy newbs starter pack
with the spacefox's graphics pack otherwise nothing else


2015-08-22 09:25

reporter   ~0032986

also i dont have that much memory left do redownload the most recent version


2015-08-22 09:25

reporter   ~0032987

i have 7.27 gigabytes of memory left that i need for school


2015-08-22 13:39

reporter   ~0032988

i will try this though on a different computer so


2015-08-22 19:59

reporter   ~0032989

on desktops it takes longer for the lazynewbs pack to unzip, and i use the spacefox's graphics pack cause i cant read ACIIS and that is all i use


2015-08-25 19:20

manager   ~0032996

Last edited: 2015-08-25 19:20

Do you have the menu-mouse plugin enabled (which is a third-party DFHack plugin known to cause crashes in this screen)?


2015-08-30 13:05

reporter   ~0033013

no, now i am having trouble with the lazynewbz starter, it wont start the game itself, and when i try and use a graphic pack it says i must restore the release notes.txt idk what to do, this is on a desktop btw


2015-08-30 18:23

reporter   ~0033014

If you're having problems starting the LNP it may be caused by your anti-virus freaking out. If you tell it to trust the LNP it may fix your problem.


2015-08-31 04:45

reporter   ~0033016

On the LNP "DFHack" tab, mark "Enable DFHack:" to "No". Then try to embark. After you successfully embarked, save the game and exit, go to that LNP tab again and mark the "Enable DFHack:" to "Yes" if you want to use it on you game. I have had the same issue several times and disabling DFHack for the embark cuts it out. I didn't tested which of the actual DFHack plug-ins is causing the issue, though.


2015-08-31 08:58

manager   ~0033017

If it's crashing on the embark screen with menu-mouse enabled, it's highly likely that it's a menu-mouse issue. Either way, Toady can't fix LNP issues - I'll close this, but please reopen it if you can reproduce the issue in vanilla DF (without utilities).


2016-02-17 19:53

reporter   ~0034686

I have tried this on vanilla still getting the same result, i cannot hit the play now without it getting unresponsive, also, when I embark, it wont let me do the preparations and then embark as i get the unresponsive too, i got no idea of how to fix this, vanilla DF most recent issue, heres the error file too


2016-02-17 19:54

reporter   ~0034687

Unrecognized Announcement Token: TRAVEL_ADVISORY
Unrecognized Announcement Token: TRAVEL_ADVISORY
Unrecognized Announcement Token: TRAVEL_ADVISORY
Unrecognized Announcement Token: TRAVEL_ADVISORY
Unrecognized Announcement Token: TRAVEL_ADVISORY
Unrecognized Announcement Token: TRAVEL_ADVISORY
Unrecognized Announcement Token: TRAVEL_ADVISORY
Unrecognized Announcement Token: TRAVEL_ADVISORY
 that is the error log


2016-02-17 20:08

reporter   ~0034688

I am getting that on the latest DF version too, i got no idea why


2016-02-19 15:01

reporter   ~0034699

I dont know if this has anything to do with it but Dwarf Fortress isnt 64 bit compatible i dont think, its a 32 bit program, but idk


2016-02-20 12:39

reporter   ~0034703

i cant even play on the older versions


2016-02-20 17:15

reporter   ~0034709

ok i got it working yay
i just had to delete in the announcements in the init folder in data the Travel_advisory part in the file and it works


2016-02-25 06:07

manager   ~0034750

Okay. Toady said that error message shouldn't cause issues, but I'll close this since it sounds like whatever the issue was is resolved.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2015-08-21 21:36 djthekiller New Issue
2015-08-21 21:38 djthekiller Note Added: 0032983
2015-08-22 02:55 user8971 Note Added: 0032984
2015-08-22 09:24 djthekiller Note Added: 0032985
2015-08-22 09:25 djthekiller Note Added: 0032986
2015-08-22 09:25 djthekiller Note Added: 0032987
2015-08-22 13:39 djthekiller Note Added: 0032988
2015-08-22 19:59 djthekiller Note Added: 0032989
2015-08-25 19:20 lethosor Note Added: 0032996
2015-08-25 19:20 lethosor Assigned To => lethosor
2015-08-25 19:20 lethosor Status new => feedback
2015-08-25 19:20 lethosor Note Edited: 0032996
2015-08-30 13:05 djthekiller Note Added: 0033013
2015-08-30 13:05 djthekiller Status feedback => assigned
2015-08-30 18:23 MichaelB Note Added: 0033014
2015-08-31 04:45 BadLeo Note Added: 0033016
2015-08-31 08:58 lethosor Note Added: 0033017
2015-08-31 08:58 lethosor Status assigned => resolved
2015-08-31 08:58 lethosor Resolution open => no change required
2016-02-17 19:53 djthekiller Note Added: 0034686
2016-02-17 19:53 djthekiller Status resolved => feedback
2016-02-17 19:53 djthekiller Resolution no change required => reopened
2016-02-17 19:54 djthekiller Note Added: 0034687
2016-02-17 19:54 djthekiller Status feedback => assigned
2016-02-17 20:08 djthekiller Note Added: 0034688
2016-02-19 15:01 djthekiller Note Added: 0034699
2016-02-20 12:39 djthekiller Note Added: 0034703
2016-02-20 17:15 djthekiller Note Added: 0034709
2016-02-25 06:07 lethosor Note Added: 0034750
2016-02-25 06:07 lethosor Status assigned => resolved
2016-02-25 06:07 lethosor Resolution reopened => fixed