View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0009148Dwarf FortressDwarf Mode -- Immigrationpublic2015-12-03 14:36
ReporterLord.Nagash Assigned ToToady One  
Status resolvedResolutionfixed 
PlatformWindowsOSWindows 7 
Product Version0.42.01 
Fixed in Version0.42.02 
Summary0009148: Crash always occuring after immigrant wave
DescriptionI have a save that so far crashes every time, a few days from where the save is. It is after an immigrant wave, although that may not be the cause.

I played through the month beforehand several times before making this save, so doing things differently/getting different immigrants doesn't seem to stop the crash.
Steps To ReproduceLoad save file ( and let several days pass
TagsNo tags attached.


has duplicate 0009186 resolvedToady One Crash upon migrants joining 
has duplicate 0009168 resolveduser11 Crash after migrant wave 
has duplicate 0009169 resolveduser11 Consistent crash in this save shortly after unpausing (end-of-month?) 
has duplicate 0009214 resolveduser11 Crash during migrant wave. 
has duplicate 0009164 resolvedlethosor Possibly book related crash (consistent) 



2015-12-02 01:25

reporter   ~0033249

Last edited: 2015-12-02 01:25

I seem to be having a similar problem. Game always crashes on 7-27/7-28.

File uploaded:

Bug consistently reproduces, running df_osx vr 0.40.24 via the MacNewbPack.


2015-12-02 05:06

reporter   ~0033254

@romeofalling: Your save is a duplicate of 0008719. The crash happens when your expedition leader builds the roof over your depo, which overlaps with a persimmon twig. Cut down the tree south of your depo and you should be good to go.


2015-12-02 06:03

reporter   ~0033255

I have this too. Pretty sure it's not the floor-over-tree bug.


The game crashes exactly when the migrants settle in (ie lose their blinking X's).


2015-12-02 14:44

reporter   ~0033298

Also getting this in my save which is in the middle of a migrant wave. Let it run for 1-2 minutes and the migrants "settle in", causing it to crash.


2015-12-03 12:20

reporter   ~0033348

Getting this as well, game crashes after less than a minute during a migrant wave:


2015-12-03 12:44

reporter   ~0033351

I got this too, the game would always crash few moments after a immigrant wave. I got around it saving the game before it crashed.

Toady One

2015-12-03 14:36

administrator   ~0033354

There was a bug with children socializing that seems to account for the ones I've checked here, so hopefully those are all handled.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2015-12-02 00:49 Lord.Nagash New Issue
2015-12-02 01:25 romeofalling Note Added: 0033249
2015-12-02 01:25 romeofalling Note Edited: 0033249
2015-12-02 05:06 fricy Note Added: 0033254
2015-12-02 06:03 bearskie Note Added: 0033255
2015-12-02 14:44 Orkel Note Added: 0033298
2015-12-03 12:20 maqertas Note Added: 0033348
2015-12-03 12:44 thvaz Note Added: 0033351
2015-12-03 14:36 Toady One Note Added: 0033354
2015-12-03 14:36 Toady One Status new => resolved
2015-12-03 14:36 Toady One Fixed in Version => 51.06
2015-12-03 14:36 Toady One Resolution open => fixed
2015-12-03 14:36 Toady One Assigned To => Toady One
2015-12-03 14:45 Toady One Relationship added has duplicate 0009186
2015-12-04 20:15 user11 Relationship added has duplicate 0009168
2015-12-04 20:16 user11 Relationship added has duplicate 0009169
2015-12-04 20:17 user11 Relationship added has duplicate 0009214
2015-12-05 16:59 lethosor Relationship added has duplicate 0009164