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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0000919Dwarf FortressDwarf Mode -- Tradepublic2025-02-03 08:39
ReporterJimmy Assigned To 
Status newResolutionopen 
Product Version0.31.01 
Summary0000919: Elven merchants will accept some item types (e.g. rough/cut gems) without checking material (e.g. clear/crystal glass)
DescriptionElves will view items including clear glass as tree based, resulting in refusal to trade.
Steps To ReproduceCreate clear glass item or encrust item with clear glass. Attempt to trade to elves.
Additional InformationHave not tried with green glass or crystal glass yet. Additional testing welcome.
TagsElves, Needs Confirmation, trade, trading


has duplicate 0001882 closedLogical2u Elven caravan complains about wooden trade item when nothing wooden is being traded, stops trading 



2010-04-10 02:52

reporter   ~0002542

But it *is* either tree or animal based, isn't it?


2010-04-10 03:04

reporter   ~0002544

No, glass is classed as a gem. This new behavior conflicts with the 40d behavior and therefore I've classed it as a bug.


2010-04-10 04:04

reporter   ~0002549

Last edited: 2010-04-10 04:07

This is the same as the old version. Making clear glass needs pearlash, made from ash, made from wood. So elves don't like it.

king doom

2010-04-10 04:19

reporter   ~0002551

Zeg is correct, elves get upset about anything using wood or that used wood in its construction, in this case the pearlash used to make clear glass. They should take green glass items without complaint, I can confirm they did in the previous release. check to see if that is still the case here, and if so I'd suggest marking the thread with the close this tag.


2010-04-10 11:42

reporter   ~0002619

Last edited: 2010-04-10 12:50

My Elves accept green glass trade goods, as expected.

They also accept raw clear glass(I made) raw crystal glass(bought) and raw green glass. (Which are classified as gem, and the elves seem to care for that classification)

They do not accept clear glass goblets (I made). Unfortunately I fail to make crystal glass despite having pearlash and rough rock crystals.

Both clear glass and crystal glass use pearlash in their making.

I guess it's ultimately up to Toady to know if anything about that is buggy and I suspect it is way down on his list of things to worry about..


2010-04-10 18:28

reporter   ~0002685

Yeah, that's why I assigned it low/minor. Also on the subject of clear glass requiring wood in the creation, should that mean elves refuse pig iron or steel for similar reasons?


2010-04-11 23:04

reporter   ~0002984

Pig Iron and Steel can be made with coke instead of charcoal, and therefore do not *require* a tree to be burned in the process. Unfortunately (for the elves), there is no way to gain pearlash that doesn't involve the death of a tree.


2010-04-29 19:58

reporter   ~0005728

Back in the older version, elves objected to clear glass goods, including normal goods encrusted with clear glass, but not *raw* clear glass itself. This is probably the same bug.


2012-05-13 18:09

reporter   ~0022467

Looking into a disassembly (specifically, the function that determines whether or not an item is considered "wood derived"), it only does the material/decoration checks for certain types of items, while other item types are unconditionally accepted, and it happens that both rough gems and small cut gems fall into the latter category.


2012-05-14 08:39


Thanks Quietust!


2025-02-03 08:39

reporter   ~0042528

It appears that blocks are also in the set of "unchecked" item types, so it's possible to trade clear/crystal glass blocks or even wooden blocks to Elven caravans without them getting angry, at least as of version 50.15.

Add Note


Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2010-04-10 02:28 Jimmy New Issue
2010-04-10 02:30 Jimmy Tag Attached: Elves
2010-04-10 02:30 Jimmy Tag Attached: trade
2010-04-10 02:30 Jimmy Tag Attached: trading
2010-04-10 02:52 Hundred Note Added: 0002542
2010-04-10 03:04 Jimmy Note Added: 0002544
2010-04-10 04:04 Zeg Note Added: 0002549
2010-04-10 04:07 Zeg Note Edited: 0002549
2010-04-10 04:19 king doom Note Added: 0002551
2010-04-10 07:45 snooptodd Tag Attached: needs onfirmation
2010-04-10 07:45 snooptodd Tag Detached: needs onfirmation
2010-04-10 07:45 snooptodd Tag Attached: Needs Confirmation
2010-04-10 11:42 kaefermelder Note Added: 0002619
2010-04-10 11:57 user6 Summary Elves treat glass as wood => Elven merchants accept raw crystal glass but reject clear glass items
2010-04-10 12:50 kaefermelder Note Edited: 0002619
2010-04-10 18:28 Jimmy Note Added: 0002685
2010-04-11 23:04 GRead Note Added: 0002984
2010-04-29 19:58 Quietust Note Added: 0005728
2010-05-15 14:21 Logical2u Relationship added has duplicate 0001882
2012-05-13 18:09 Quietust Note Added: 0022467
2012-05-14 08:39 user6 Summary Elven merchants accept raw crystal glass but reject clear glass items => Elven merchants will accept some item types (e.g. rough/cut gems) without checking material (e.g. clear/crystal glass)
2012-05-14 08:39 user6 Note Added: 0022475
2025-02-03 08:39 Quietust Note Added: 0042528