View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0009228Dwarf FortressDwarf Mode -- Invasionspublic2015-12-05 08:33
ReporterTzalizkan Assigned To 
PrioritynormalSeverityminorReproducibilityhave not tried
Status newResolutionopen 
PlatformMacOSOS XOS Version10.6.8
Product Version0.42.01 
Summary0009228: Human performers won't leave!
DescriptionThese three poets have been socializing in my tavern for months upon months, and no one else comes to visit in their places. I can't make them go away, even if I delete the locations they are staying in (or even all of the locations). They never petition to stay, and they haven't left on their own after all this time.
Steps To Reproduce1. Make a tavern.
2. Wait for human poets.
3. Wait a few months to see if they leave.
TagsNo tags attached.



2015-12-04 20:43

manager   ~0033404

Can't confirm this happening; it works fine in my own forts. You need to have bedrooms assigned to the tavern in order for them to petition to stay, in case you didn't know. Long-term, non-citizen residents stay in rooms in the inn.


2015-12-04 20:48

reporter   ~0033405

I found that you have to also deny a petition to stay or have it time out before non-citizen residents depart


2015-12-04 21:55

reporter   ~0033422

I forgot to mention. I also have three open rooms assigned to the tavern/inn.


2015-12-05 08:33

manager   ~0033457

It can also take them a long time to leave to begin with, but I don't really think it's a bug.

A tip: By expanding your Inn, or building a bigger one - more dance area, more instruments, more performers and rooms - you can encourage more people to visit at the same time. That should help considerably. My current fort has a tavern with 32 rooms, and all are filled with permanent residents.

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Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2015-12-04 20:14 Tzalizkan New Issue
2015-12-04 20:43 Talvieno Note Added: 0033404
2015-12-04 20:48 Ewcongogamer Note Added: 0033405
2015-12-04 21:55 Tzalizkan Note Added: 0033422
2015-12-05 08:33 Talvieno Note Added: 0033457