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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0009416Dwarf FortressAdventure Mode -- Reactionspublic2016-05-11 00:57
ReporterDeity Link Assigned ToToady One  
Status resolvedResolutionfixed 
Product Version0.42.03 
Fixed in Version0.43.02 
Summary0009416: Child prisoners in Dark Fortresses immediately become hostile, making rescue missions impossible.
DescriptionIt doesn't matter if I kill goblins on my way to the prisonners, as soon as they see me they become "No Quarter". When asked to cease fighting, they'll acquiesce but keep fighting. When asked to yield they'll always say "You first, coward!". If you greet a prisonner while he hasn't seen you yet, he'll say "Please, help me!" which will let you offer to save him and add him to your companion list, however he will leave your companions and become hostile again immediately after.

On top of all that, your companions will attack prisoners on sight due to their No Quarter status, even when they aren't actually attacking. It's pretty heartbreaking to see a mother who joined me on my fortress raid kill her own defenseless child.
Tags0.42.03, Dark Fortress, kidnapping, prisoner, prisoners


has duplicate 0009682 resolvedToady One Prisoners are hostile to the Adventurer. 
related to 0007722 new Some prisoners are hostile 



2015-12-22 23:31

manager   ~0034152

Can confirm this, but I'm pretty sure this is a duplicate.

Deity Link

2015-12-23 01:02

reporter   ~0034153

I looked for another similar report but didn't find it.


2015-12-23 04:43


0008361, "3 year old recruited into AI army (also child rescue bug)" mentions "No quarter" prisoner, if I am reading it right.


2015-12-23 09:25

manager   ~0034164

0007722 mentions hostile prisoners as well, but I'm not convinced it's the same issue, because I've seen prisoners become hostile without it. They do usually become hostile after they see you attacking goblins though, or if they see dead goblins about.


2016-01-03 00:13

reporter   ~0034279

Worth noting that even if you use dfhack to change a prisoner into an adventurer and are thus known and friendly with them, you still can't recruit them for rescues. They agree to join and then immediately leave your party and wander off playing pretend.

It's kinda creepy, kinda sad in a "I'll just pretend I'm not surrounded by kidnappers and slaughter and cold slade walls" sorta way too though.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2015-12-22 23:28 Deity Link New Issue
2015-12-22 23:31 Talvieno Note Added: 0034152
2015-12-23 01:02 Deity Link Note Added: 0034153
2015-12-23 04:43 user8971 Note Added: 0034156
2015-12-23 05:19 lethosor Summary Child prisonners in Dark Fortresses immediately become hostile, making rescue missions impossible. => Child prisoners in Dark Fortresses immediately become hostile, making rescue missions impossible.
2015-12-23 09:25 Talvieno Note Added: 0034164
2015-12-26 21:25 Deity Link Tag Attached: 0.42.03
2015-12-26 21:25 Deity Link Tag Attached: Dark Fortress
2015-12-26 21:25 Deity Link Tag Attached: kidnapping
2015-12-26 21:25 Deity Link Tag Attached: prisoner
2015-12-26 21:25 Deity Link Tag Attached: prisoners
2016-01-03 00:13 Max_TM Note Added: 0034279
2016-05-11 00:57 Toady One Status new => resolved
2016-05-11 00:57 Toady One Fixed in Version => 51.06
2016-05-11 00:57 Toady One Resolution open => fixed
2016-05-11 00:57 Toady One Assigned To => Toady One
2016-05-11 00:58 Toady One Relationship added has duplicate 0009682
2016-07-23 02:01 user8971 Relationship added related to 0007722