View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0009422Dwarf FortressTypos/Grammarpublic2016-01-13 15:09
ReporterBenLubar Assigned ToToady One  
Status resolvedResolutionfixed 
Platformx86 (Core 2 Duo)OSUbuntu (headless)OS Version14.04 (trusty)
Product Version0.42.03 
Fixed in Version0.42.05 
Summary0009422: CREATURE:FISH_RATFISH_SPOTTED (spotted ratfish) "lives in the oceanÆs muddy shallows"
DescriptionLine 534 of creature_small_ocean.txt has a CP437 Æ instead of an apostrophe.
TagsProbable Quick Fix



2015-12-24 21:33

reporter   ~0034182

There are also two buckets located in comments in the raws:

on line 3987 of creature_birds_new.txt:
Sponsored by Hornbill Interactive û Jim Regan / balrogkernel

on line 148 of creature_small_mammal_new.txt:
Hedgehog: Closest thing to a zefie in Vanilla DF. ûSponsored by Strife

Toady One

2016-01-13 15:09

administrator   ~0034417

Okay, hoping these are fixed now, though I couldn't get the text editor to show them in a font that made it clear.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2015-12-24 21:28 BenLubar New Issue
2015-12-24 21:33 BenLubar Note Added: 0034182
2015-12-26 11:08 lethosor Assigned To => lethosor
2015-12-26 11:08 lethosor Status new => confirmed
2015-12-26 11:08 lethosor Tag Attached: Probable Quick Fix
2016-01-13 15:09 Toady One Note Added: 0034417
2016-01-13 15:09 Toady One Status confirmed => resolved
2016-01-13 15:09 Toady One Fixed in Version => 51.06
2016-01-13 15:09 Toady One Resolution open => fixed
2016-01-13 15:09 Toady One Assigned To lethosor => Toady One