0000462: [Adventure Mode -- Quests] CHAT_WORHY entity members may give duplicate quests (Toady One)
0000013: [Dwarf Mode -- Jobs, Farming/Farmer's Workshop] Farm plots built underground (Inside/Dark/Subterranean) on natural soil will not allow planting (Toady One)
0001032: [Creatures] ALL primates have front and back legs (with accompanying feet), no arms or hands, yet have fingers, somewhere. (Toady One)
0003704: [Dwarf Mode -- Interface, Stocks] Slabs appear twice in Stocks screen (Toady One)
0002203: [Dwarf Mode -- Embark/Setup] Embark only gives you one wagon puller animal (Toady One)
0003352: [Dwarf Mode -- Items] Animal hair has no use (Toady One)
0000030: [Dwarf Mode -- Embark/Setup] The site finder does not respect Aquifer: NO (Toady One)
0000027: [Dwarf Mode -- Interface, Standing Orders] Auto loom/weave thread not working. (Toady One)
0003375: [Dwarf Mode -- Embark/Setup] Site finder wastes a lot of time searching through sites after it's found a match (Toady One)
9 issues View Issues