0006334: [Creatures] Creatures, including dwarves, born in the fortress do not grow to full adult size. (Toady One)
0006529: [Adventure Mode -- Conversation] Starting a conversation with no one around causes crash (Toady One)
0006524: [Adventure Mode -- Conversation] Crash when talking to deity (Toady One)
0006681: [Technical -- General] Autosave causes save corruption and crashes on load (Toady One)
0006817: [Typos/Grammar] "Behold, mortal. I am a diving being." (Toady One)
0006669: [Adventure Mode -- Movement] Game freezes on entering ocean. (Toady One)
0006569: [Adventure Mode -- Conversation] Crash when asking about the location/position of forces (Toady One)
0006659: [Dwarf Mode -- Jobs, Cooking and Food] Quarry Bush Leaves not cookable (Toady One)
0006538: [Adventure Mode -- Combat] Crashed while blocking in arena mode (Toady One)
0006653: [Adventure Mode -- General] Displaying tracks is bound to k instead of K (Toady One)
10 issues View Issues