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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0010408Dwarf FortressCreaturespublic2017-12-04 04:41
ReporterFantasticDorf Assigned To 
Status newResolutionopen 
Product Version0.44.02 
Summary0010408: Creatures path around the same z level height they entered from without ground
DescriptionLarge birds in adventure mode can be found resting on the ground naturally until disturbed wherin they fly away, in contrast birds in fortress mode erratically stay in the air & only ever touch the ground when pathing to or from something, fish in rivers & oceans exhibit similar behaviour, stalling population renewal when they should have already left with inefficient pathfinding movement.

Both populations without land exits in either air or water spend a large amount of time idling on the z level height they entered from in fortress mode before being forced to leave slowly from their destination off map, unlike land creatures who usually path through the site one side to the other directly when time is up and the next animals are scheduled to enter.

Normal z level exits (such as ground level land exit for flyers) or touching the ground directly to quickly path out horizontally if needed are not considered and haphazard diagonal paths through z levels make movement slow & laggy.
Steps To ReproduceObserve wild flying creatures (especially in groups) in both modes, depending on how common the birds are may take extensive searching to find them on the ground in adventure mode.

Throw a rock and chase them to make them fly away, in comparison creating a new fortress in a environment with birds they will erratically hover constantly and leave at the specific or similar z level air exit they entered (eventually)

River fish wont move a significant amount despite being more than able to swim very well, chase some of those in adventure mode also then note how well amphibious creatures move & path through water in fortress mode compared to aquatic ones who usually become permanent natural features & breed on the spot.
Additional InformationMay apply to aquatic creatures remaining static on a singular or set few z levels suspended in water where there isn't a clear exit, as observed by erratic movement patterns of large & vermin fish. River fish barely move for years as a result like flocks of birds despite being able to be startled/aggravated then move rapidly.

Caverns can have large amounts of elevation between exits (and obstacles like water) with most animals equipped to climb, but they become stuck inexplicably in groups similar to flying & water animals moving infrequently from that spot on walls & ceilings. 0008912
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2017-12-02 11:28

reporter   ~0037190

Relevant to flying lungfish vermin (vermin being more metaphysical) who flew in the air in a river with a waterfall 0005278 , also in regards to vermin birds almost always being similarly hovering in the air.


And flying visitors becoming stuck on the outskirts of the embark instead of willingly pathing into your tavern 0009362


2017-12-03 19:27

reporter   ~0037210

I've seen some midair webs in the caverns, and pretty sure they were from the vermin cave spiders.


2017-12-04 04:41

reporter   ~0037213

There are two conflicting reports as to how that may have happened @mrmagolor bad physics about them being shot out by GCS 0005830 and the issue with floating cave spider webs that was determined by moderators to be the effect of cave-ins & felled trees 0000595 (once again bad physics)

Ocean vermin are described spawning out of their habitat but at a appropriate depth/z level in 0008083 because how deep into the earth the ocean floor can strech.


Flying visitors who would arrive at a elevated z level and have been observed to hover, get stuck spawning in trees which would be a adequate 'land access' height 0009382 post the dwarf tree climbing fix, if their pathfinding allowed it they should be able to climb down walking on two legs but can't.

There was no save attached to the above issue report but if that could be replicated & then ported over the new 44.x version to see if this would happen in practice with the 0009252 bugfix it would be valuable.

Or such a case that the constant act of flying in one spot endlessly would not enable them to climb down from the tree anyway because its land creature based pathfinding to a land location. In which case it would be helpful to review whether flying creatures should have togglable flying & walk by default rather than constantly remaining in the air.

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Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2017-12-02 11:24 FantasticDorf New Issue
2017-12-02 11:28 FantasticDorf Note Added: 0037190
2017-12-03 19:27 mrmagolor Note Added: 0037210
2017-12-04 04:41 FantasticDorf Note Added: 0037213