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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0010467Dwarf FortressDwarf Mode -- Noblespublic2017-12-22 14:56
Reportersionlife Assigned To 
Status newResolutionopen 
PlatformMacOSMacOS SierraOS Version10.12.6
Product Version0.44.02 
Summary0010467: Baroness being in military causes loyalty cascade
DescriptionI had a fort that just self-destructed in a matter of days, dropping from 200 citizens to about a dozen. The dozen that are left are running around terrified down in a mined out z-level where they are about to die from thirst and starvation. The cause of the loyalty cascade was the baroness and her consort who went berserk and started hitting others with their axes. They were both in a military squad as recruits.

The first save in the file below is a minute or two before the cascade happens. I ran it from this starting point for 15 tries and each time ended up in self-destruction, started by the baroness and her consort.

However whenever I remove the baroness from the squad, the cascade never happens. So it is something about being in a military squad that makes the baroness go mad.

Steps To ReproduceRun the saved game 1 from the download link and wait a couple of minutes. Observe self-annihilation.

Run the game again but this time immediately remove baroness from her squad. Nothing happens after.
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2017-12-22 14:56

reporter   ~0037378

Here's what I've discovered:

The problem lies with the baroness, as you've said, and the dancer at the tavern, Nguslu Viledwelled. The baroness and the dancer are both getting drinks, and as soon as the baroness rounds the corner to the entry hall she locks eyes with the dancer and the fighting begins. Messing with dfhack, it seems to have nothing to do with stress, distraction, justice, or anything. Killing the baroness or the dancer with dfhack will prevent the spiral.

Now, a dwarf named Nguslu is unusual, and in fact there is no dwarf in legends viewer named Nguslu Viledwelled. Tracking the relationship with her husband, she is actually a dwarf named Ushrir Bellflicker who assumed that identity for information gathering.

As for why they seem determined to kill each other, nothing in legends suggests any history between the two. You lack any form of justice system or jail and there seem to be a lot of pending sentences/open cases. Maybe the dancer is the culprit for the open cases? Or there's some weird faction relationships going on.

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Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2017-12-22 12:48 sionlife New Issue
2017-12-22 14:56 kneaugh Note Added: 0037378