View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0010527Dwarf FortressDwarf Mode -- Interface, Military Screenpublic2018-01-15 15:10
ReporterSarmatian123 Assigned Tolethosor  
Status resolvedResolutionno change required 
PlatformLinuxOSXubuntuOS Version16.04 Xenial
Product Version0.44.05 
Summary0010527: Military screen = BLACK SCREEN, as it takes only fractional part of display.
DescriptionMilitary screen = BLACK SCREEN, as it takes only fractional part of display.
Steps To ReproduceSet in init.txt
Or enlarge window with mouse.
In DF press M to open military screen.
Stare into suddenly black screen at front of you.
Notice something tiny white in left upper corner.
Feel "Eureka"...
Additional InformationFeel "Eureka"...

...For thousand time, when assigning master quality item by master quality item on each of 100 Dwarves in your military, because there is no material quality setting for materials in military menu. Every single master quality item has to be assigned individually.
...Not to mention assigned items are not automatically dropped to the bottom of the list of available items, but stay on its top, because of their quality.
...Not to mention Dwarves already assigned to other squads pop up in list of free recruits to be assigned into new squad.

If only military menu could be resized like caravan trading menu in Depot...

I tried searching for bug report with "military menu", "military screen" or "military display", but I couldn't find any such. Hard to believe. There should be some bug report already about this bug. It is kind of huge bug after all. Visually for sure.
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2018-01-15 15:10

manager   ~0037627

All screens used to be like this. This is really more of a suggestion for

If the text is too small for you to notice, you should probably zoom in or adjust your window size. The text isn't any different in size from other screens. I'm assuming you're not using TWBT because you said you're using 0.44.05, but if you are, and it's making text unreadable here, that should be reported to the TWBT thread on the forums.

The rest of your points under additional information also sound like suggestions. Toady does check the suggestions forum, so you could probably post those there as well (all of this in one thread would be fine). Rewording them without "feel eureka" and the "..."s might make them easier to understand. Also, the third one (assigned dwarves listed as free for other squads) has been addressed by a DFHack feature for a while ("tweak military-color-assigned"), which you might find useful in the meantime.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2018-01-15 13:51 Sarmatian123 New Issue
2018-01-15 15:10 lethosor Note Added: 0037627
2018-01-15 15:10 lethosor Status new => resolved
2018-01-15 15:10 lethosor Resolution open => no change required
2018-01-15 15:10 lethosor Assigned To => lethosor