View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0010708Dwarf FortressDwarf Mode -- Combatpublic2020-02-22 22:24
Reporterepicfaillord1 Assigned ToToady One  
PrioritynormalSeveritymajorReproducibilityhave not tried
Status resolvedResolutionfixed 
PlatformPCOSwindow 10OS Version10, latest patch
Product Version0.44.09 
Fixed in Version0.47.04 
Summary0010708: Sparring dwarves randomly teleported 70 tiles and 50 zlevels into magma

My military dwarves which were sparring a few z levels below the surface (so a good hundred above where they are in the picture) were at some point randomly teleported into the magma sea. There is no possible way to get to that location from my fort even if you could survive magma.
Steps To ReproduceHave military dwarves

wait for freak teleportation into magma sea, may take a long time
TagsNo tags attached.


child of 0007444 resolvedToady One Sparring dwarves (and other creatures) can knock each other through walls with charge attacks 



2018-04-14 15:14

reporter   ~0038161

Are you using any mods, DFHack, or DFHack commands?
Unless it can be repeated, or at least investigated, it's unlikely to be possible to fix it.

A save where it has just happened (i.e. from the time of the screen shot might contain useful information. Saves can be uploaded to DFFD: (


2018-04-14 16:09

reporter   ~0038162

No mods or even DFHack, just dwarf therapist and a tileset.



2018-04-14 16:36

viewer   ~0038163

Interesting. The combat report shows a charge/tumble, with the next entry being immolation a distance of 70 tiles away and 50 tiles down. Tumbles are known to be buggy (0007444) but usually only teleport dwarves a few tiles on the same z-level.


2018-04-14 17:00

reporter   ~0038164

with the usual teleport bug they should have just ended up in the hallway

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2018-04-14 13:37 epicfaillord1 New Issue
2018-04-14 15:14 PatrikLundell Note Added: 0038161
2018-04-14 16:09 epicfaillord1 Note Added: 0038162
2018-04-14 16:36 Loci Note Added: 0038163
2018-04-14 16:36 Loci Status new => confirmed
2018-04-14 16:36 Loci Summary Dwarves randomly teleported hundreds of zlevels into magma => Sparring dwarves randomly teleported 70 tiles and 50 zlevels into magma
2018-04-14 16:36 Loci Relationship added child of 0007444
2018-04-14 17:00 epicfaillord1 Note Added: 0038164
2018-04-17 15:56 Loci Status confirmed => assigned
2018-04-17 15:56 Loci Assigned To => Loci
2018-04-17 15:57 Loci Status assigned => confirmed
2020-02-22 22:24 Toady One Status confirmed => resolved
2020-02-22 22:24 Toady One Fixed in Version => 51.06
2020-02-22 22:24 Toady One Resolution open => fixed
2020-02-22 22:24 Toady One Assigned To Loci => Toady One