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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0011011Dwarf FortressThrowing/Shootingpublic2025-03-10 08:04
Reportermattvt3 Assigned ToToady One  
Status resolvedResolutionduplicate 
PlatformPCOSWindowsOS VersionWindows
Product Version0.44.12 
Summary0011011: Catapult/Ballista projectile falls z-level through solid floor
DescriptionI constructed 4 catapults on a level (z-0) that fire projectiles 0000009:0000007 tiles against a wall with a channeled floor. The level below (z-1) contains both a solid (chalk) floor (which collect 2 catapults ammo) and a microcline floor (which collect 2 catapults ammo, made during troubleshooting). The effect of this setup is that dwarves practice siege engine operating and I do not lose endless stone (since dropping a z level preserves the stone).

This has worked perfectly in previous games, and in this game the stones are still not lost .. but they inexplicably drop an extra level through the solid floor (z-2). I first thought they were being destroyed, but noticed they all fall through 100% of the time.
Steps To ReproduceThe attached save has the catapults on continual firing mode, so have to wait just a bit for a dwarf to get to one and fire a rock. Then you will see it (stepping through in slow motion if you want), travel down to z-1 and then z-2.
Additional InformationFile for download -
TagsNo tags attached.


duplicate of 0010830 resolvedLoci Falling objects (bolts, body parts, etc.) glitch through floor into rooms below 



2019-01-25 21:29

reporter   ~0039152

I do not use dfhack. Vanilla dwarf fortress.


2019-01-25 23:27

reporter   ~0039153

There's a similar issue with all kinds of flying stuff: arrows fall through floors sometimes, as do body parts. I'm not compatible with Mantis' search feature, though, so I've failed to locate that bug report.


2019-01-26 05:43

reporter   ~0039154

should be 0010830


2019-01-27 15:26

viewer   ~0039157



2019-04-20 02:15

reporter   ~0039338

I got that problem with Ballista Arrows, the hit a Bridge and should fall one Z-level where they should get picked up but instead they fall 2 z-levels despite there is on solid ground on the first z-level below the shot

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2019-01-25 21:22 mattvt3 New Issue
2019-01-25 21:29 mattvt3 Note Added: 0039152
2019-01-25 23:27 PatrikLundell Note Added: 0039153
2019-01-26 05:43 Rafatio Note Added: 0039154
2019-01-27 15:24 Loci Relationship added child of 0010830
2019-01-27 15:26 Loci Note Added: 0039157
2019-04-20 02:15 elfricko Note Added: 0039338
2019-04-20 09:24 Loci Summary Catapult projectile falls z-level through solid floor => Catapult/Ballista projectile falls z-level through solid floor
2025-03-10 08:04 Toady One Assigned To => Toady One
2025-03-10 08:04 Toady One Status new => resolved
2025-03-10 08:04 Toady One Resolution open => duplicate
2025-03-10 08:04 Toady One Relationship replaced duplicate of 0010830