View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0012102Dwarf FortressDwarf Mode -- Jobs, Militarypublic2025-03-19 19:36
ReporterBD_Le_Dragon_Noir Assigned To 
PrioritynormalSeverityminorReproducibilityhave not tried
Status resolvedResolutionfixed 
Product Version50.04 
Fixed in Version51.07 
Summary0012102: Bolts falling through floors.
DescriptionI have an archery range for training, I have the archery targets with a channel down underneath to catch the bolts because I remember hearing that's how you saved bolts in earlier versions (I can't remember where so I may have come up with that all on my own) but then I dug out in the layer below the channel -with the original rock floor still intact- but now the bolts are falling down through that rock floor and are settling in what is supposed to be a temple.
Tagsammunition, Arrows, floor


duplicate of 0010830 resolvedLoci Falling objects (bolts, body parts, etc.) glitch through floor into rooms below 



2022-12-23 16:45

manager   ~0041546


2023-01-04 23:28

viewer   ~0041622

Last edited: 2023-01-04 23:29

View 2 revisions

Oh yes I had this one too, had a big fight above my base with a horde of Gnolls, their body parts, teeth, bolts, even whole bodies ended up between 1-3 Z layers below where the fight took place.


2023-01-05 19:25

viewer   ~0041634



2023-03-03 21:29

viewer   ~0041775

It happens with rocks too - if you set up a pair of catapults facing each other with a channel behind them, the rocks fall through the channel and into the level 2 floors below the catapults if that level has been mined out.

You can stop them falling through the rock by having walls underneath the channels on the second level below the archery/catapult training grounds - but you need to be aware of this in advance for planning the fort.


2023-09-18 10:29

viewer   ~0041837

Still an issue in the current beta 18-sept-2023. Will likely be seen more since marksdwarves are working.


2024-12-24 11:50

reporter   ~0042470

Can confirm it happened in my fort coincidentally falling in a temple too, tried construct a floor on the floor and it made no difference


2024-12-29 10:23

reporter   ~0042476

I've seen it happen with body parts moving through the castle floors in the Classic Arena.


2025-03-15 21:53

reporter   ~0042603

0010830 duplicate for closing as resolved.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2022-12-23 16:45 BD_Le_Dragon_Noir New Issue
2022-12-23 16:45 BD_Le_Dragon_Noir Tag Attached: ammunition
2022-12-23 16:45 BD_Le_Dragon_Noir Tag Attached: Arrows
2022-12-23 16:45 BD_Le_Dragon_Noir Tag Attached: floor
2022-12-23 16:45 BD_Le_Dragon_Noir Note Added: 0041546
2023-01-04 23:28 anonymous Note Added: 0041622
2023-01-04 23:29 anonymous Note Edited: 0041622 View Revisions
2023-01-05 19:25 anonymous Note Added: 0041634
2023-03-03 21:29 anonymous Note Added: 0041775
2023-09-18 10:29 anonymous Note Added: 0041837
2024-12-24 11:50 Paidegua159 Note Added: 0042470
2024-12-29 10:23 DPh-Kraken Note Added: 0042476
2025-03-15 21:53 risusinf Note Added: 0042603
2025-03-19 19:36 Putnam3146 Status new => resolved
2025-03-19 19:36 Putnam3146 Resolution open => fixed
2025-03-19 19:36 Putnam3146 Fixed in Version => 51.07
2025-03-19 19:36 Putnam3146 Relationship added duplicate of 0010830