View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0012568Dwarf FortressGeneralpublic2023-10-05 12:22
Reporteremail Assigned Tolethosor  
PrioritynormalSeverityminorReproducibilityhave not tried
Status feedbackResolutionopen 
Summary0012568: Freezing While Loading Some Modded Worlds - 50.10 Steam Linux Runtime 1.0
DescriptionLinux Mint 21.1 - Cinnamon 5.6.8
Kernel Liquorix 6.4.12-2-liquorix-amd64
DF v50.10

After the last update, some worlds freeze up on the loading screen while
loading mods, and it seems unrelated to mod updates - as such worlds open
fine running DF on Proton (but not on Steam Linux Runtime); example
(savefile ZIP: ):

"Loading world and continuing active game
Preparing graphics... Territorial Hippos and Wild Hogs (Now Featuring


The mod shown while the world freezes loading is a quite simple mod - it
just changes a couple tags for another couple animals (elephants, hippos
and hogs become prone to rage). It is definitely not a wide game-changing
feature, nor an overhaul.

The loading freeze occurs on some other modded worlds too, while loading
other mods - those same worlds also open fine when changing back from Steam
Linux Runtime to Proton

All worlds seem to open fine running on both older versions and Proton-run
50.10 - while some of the worlds freeze on loading mods using Steam Linux
Runtime 1.0

My conclusion so far is that Steam Linux Runtime 1.0 is messing up with
some mod loading structure, as such worlds still run fine on Proton.
TagsNo tags attached.



2023-10-01 21:03

manager   ~0041844

Your save is password-protected. Please unencrypt it.

Also, it would be helpful if you could rule out the kernel you're using as a factor.


2023-10-04 05:10

viewer   ~0041845



2023-10-04 05:14

viewer   ~0041846

1. I've reported my issue on Steam® Discussion before knowing of Mantis, and here is a feedback from another Linux user:

> "I get this with any variety of mods loaded to different worlds, running Arch Linux, DF 50.11 Native (non-Proton), DFHack 50.11-r1. The mod that it gets stuck "preparing graphics" on seems arbitrary between different setups (it will always be one) but consistent within trying to load a given world.
> For example, a world with Better Engravings, Rainbow Beakdogs, Lupine Race Mod, Ketaros Stones, McNuggy's Mythical Beasts, More Food Names, Simon Swerwer ST, Additional Races (Gnomes, Ixthid, Naga, Ratfolk, Stella, Erinyes), and Topple's Lizardmen gets stuck at preparing the graphics for... "vanilla music".
> This same thing occurred in DF 50.10 and with a different set of mods (yielding a different mod that it would get stuck preparing the graphics for). It does not occur if no mods are loaded. This does not occur at all when Proton is used, even if the same set of mods are used."

2. Sorry I wasn't aware that the save file was encrypted. This time I'm uploading the save folder as-is, unzipped:


2023-10-05 00:04

viewer   ~0041847

Said other user has fixed their issue and found that it was caused by a mod they were loading having incorrect capitalization in the filename of graphics tile pages in their raws. From what I understand, the mod loads fine on Windows/Proton as Windows filesystem APIs don't mind capitalization- however when trying to run on Linux native this is an issue, and it won't be able to find the file. Correcting the capitalization either by fixing the raw or renaming the file let the game load both old saves using the mod as well as new worlds using it.

Specifically, the mod had in 'tile_page_ixthid.txt' within /graphics/


in /graphics/images/ however the file was Ixthid_body_special.png

Something I've noticed is that I never got the very explicit and helpful error message as a window "Tileset not found" titled telling me "Not found: data/installed_mods/sm_cv_ixthid (3)/graphics/images/ixthid_body_special.png" until I ran DF from terminal directly without Steam. I also never got this messsage in any of my log files.


2023-10-05 09:20

viewer   ~0041848

The aforementioned fix indeed pinpoints the issue
- Run dwarfort from Terminal
- Load a mod-broken world
- An error window pops up, prompting to the missing asset (in the savefile from OP, modname Vanilla moon elves, asset Moon_elf_HAIR_STRAIGHT.png)

Worth noting:
- The game halt screen is misleading when it points to another mod during loading process as it halts
- This error cannot be identified by running the game from Steam® directly

Suggestions (don't know if feasible or not):
- Force capital spelling check/renaming on mods
- Include a launch log .txt for debugging purposes
- Display missing asset/s when running the game directly from Steam®
- Include instructions (forums, DFWiki, ingame etc) on how to create multi-platform compatible mods


2023-10-05 11:51

manager   ~0041850

Ah, so it's a case-sensitivity issue in a mod. Could you provide a screenshot of the error message? I'd like to see if it's coming through GTK, SDL, or something else.

DF should always be attempting to show an error message for a raw error like that. My first guess is that Steam distributes a customized version of SDL2 for the Steam overlay to work - so if you launch through Steam, that could be interfering with DF's error message display. That code is part of the open-source component of DF, and is pretty simple last I checked, but I'll see if there's an obvious solution.

Does this error not show up in errorlog.txt either?

Regarding "The game halt screen is misleading when it points to another mod during loading process" - the load screen isn't intended for that purpose. It's just giving you a rough idea of progress. The game tends to do many tasks per frame, so the message you're seeing is actually just the last status update before the last frame was rendered, which isn't necessarily the most recent status message. Syncing each status message to the screen would slow down loading a save by a factor of several times.


2023-10-05 12:22

viewer   ~0041855

Unfortunately the error doesn't show on errorlog.txt - there shows other unrelated errors though, which don't seem to interfere with loading up the savefile (after all, it loads up fine after changing capitals to lowercase)

*** Error(s) found in the file "data/installed_mods/Vanilla_Moon_Elves (1)/graphics/graphics_moon_elf_corpse.txt"
Tile page token not recognized: MOON_ELF_BODY_CORPSE (16x)

error window

Worth mentioning the error neither shows up at the dwarfort terminal window

As for the 'misleading loading screen' I totally understand it is meant as a general loading reference, though by freezing while showing another unrelated mod and sharing nothing at the errorlog.txt it hindered a bit the troubleshooting process; was more of a heads-up than a complaint

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Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2023-10-01 12:08 email New Issue
2023-10-01 21:00 lethosor Description Updated
2023-10-01 21:01 lethosor Project Triage => Dwarf Fortress
2023-10-01 21:03 lethosor Assigned To => lethosor
2023-10-01 21:03 lethosor Status new => feedback
2023-10-01 21:03 lethosor Note Added: 0041844
2023-10-04 05:10 anonymous Note Added: 0041845
2023-10-04 05:14 anonymous Note Added: 0041846
2023-10-05 00:04 anonymous Note Added: 0041847
2023-10-05 09:20 anonymous Note Added: 0041848
2023-10-05 11:51 lethosor Note Added: 0041850
2023-10-05 12:22 anonymous Note Added: 0041855