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ID | Project | Category | View Status | Date Submitted | Last Update |
0012737 | Dwarf Fortress | Dwarf Mode -- Visitors | public | 2024-03-19 14:48 | 2025-02-21 20:40 |
Reporter | JasonMel | Assigned To | |||
Priority | normal | Severity | minor | Reproducibility | have not tried |
Status | new | Resolution | open | ||
Platform | PC ( | OS | Windows 10 Home | OS Version | 22H2 |
Product Version | 50.12 | ||||
Summary | 0012737: Visiting human axeman returns to river engaged in "no activity" | ||||
Description | (Noticed in version 50.12.) A visiting axeman, Epo Mosparpuji, arrived on Malachite 28th and, before she could mention to anyone the reason for her visit, somehow entered the river and has stayed there for over five weeks of game time. It is now Limestone 9th and she is still there, apparently stuck standing on the river bottom at the edge of the map at the river's outlet, in water that fluctuates in depth between about 3/7 and 5/7. Her swimming skill has improved from non-existent to skilled in that time. At at least one point in time, she left the river but then returned to it again. | ||||
Steps To Reproduce | No clue, unfortunately. I don't remember where the visitor entered the map, or on which side of the river that bisects the 4x4 embark, but I'm reasonably sure it was not directly on a river tile. The river has had a bridge over it since before her arrival, in case that's relevant. | ||||
Additional Information | I noticed her predicament only because I got a thought alert that she was pleased to have improved her swimming skill. I took pity and channeled out a tile of both banks of the river as close to her as I could, which turned out to be one tile up-river from the map edge, to give her a ramp to use to walk out of the river. She did not use it, or at least not right away. I thought maybe the current was too high or something, so I waited for her swimming skill to improve, hoping she would eventually get good enough to escape. When weeks passed with no change, I began to fear for her life, knowing that in a month or two the river would freeze solid, killing her. I embarked on an engineering project to stop the river and allow it to drain as much as possible. However, a few days of game time ago I noticed that she had indeed left the river, and appeared to be headed toward the fortress. Hooray! So I deleted the stockpiles of materials, etc. I've checked in again, and this foolish human has now returned to the river, and is again standing still in the same tile as before, performing "no activity". I will monitor the situation closely for a more precise report of this strange behavior. However, she can forget about being rescued. | ||||
Tags | No tags attached. | ||||
Screenshot: Saved game: |
The pattern seems to be that once every so often, it could be as little as a few tens or as many as a few thousands of ticks, she begins to move around in the river within one tile of the position in the screenshot. She usually gives up and becomes quiescent again after a few oscillations, but occasionally, her random underwater stumbling takes her far enough that she makes it onto the west river bank using the ramp I channeled. From there, she moves three tiles toward the fortress, moving at about one quarter of normal speed. Then she does an about-face and moves directly back to the position in the screenshot (again with a little bit of wavering once entering the river). Her activity is always listed as "no activity" throughout all of this. I think I missed the note in a recent update where lampreys got mind control. Seriously, I don't see any injuries, and I would have noticed her complaining about any problems. Her health-description screen describes her as "flimsy, weak and quick to tire." Her preferences aren't given, so maybe she really, really likes water. |
For those following at home, the visitor did eventually leave the river for good. She is currently waiting for the leader of the fort to grant her a residency hearing. The leader fell asleep waiting for her to arrive at the office walking at a snail's pace, so it'll be a while yet. Still, I'm confident the answer will be "no." I'll update this report if the problem manifests again. |
I got a migrant who is also "very weak" and they move similarly slowly all the time, so I guess that part is expected. |
Another visitor is stuck in a river and won't budge, and is slowly gaining swimming skill, even though there is a ramp up to the shore in his tile. This time, the "river" is constructed (channeled like a meander of the natural river), so the visitor didn't end up on the edge of the map. But fortress citizens who have ended up in this same river have walked out with no problem. He's been there about a month of game time, even though this one isn't weak. I think it's something to do with being a visitor. |
Date Modified | Username | Field | Change |
2024-03-19 14:48 | JasonMel | New Issue | |
2024-03-19 15:04 | JasonMel | Note Added: 0042114 | |
2024-03-19 19:56 | JasonMel | Note Added: 0042116 | |
2024-03-21 22:04 | JasonMel | Note Added: 0042117 | |
2024-03-24 13:00 | JasonMel | Note Added: 0042121 | |
2024-06-15 20:55 | JasonMel | Note Added: 0042256 | |
2025-02-19 05:59 | JasonMel | Tag Attached: 50.12 | |
2025-02-21 20:40 | lethosor | Tag Detached: 50.12 | |
2025-02-21 20:40 | lethosor | Product Version | => 50.12 |