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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0012955Dwarf FortressDwarf Mode -- Diplomacypublic2025-03-24 23:26
Reporteramade Assigned To 
PrioritynormalSeverityminorReproducibilityhave not tried
Status newResolutionopen 
PlatformPremiumOSWindows 10OS Version19045.4780
Product Version50.13 
Summary0012955: Elven diplomat conducts meeting with visiting Count instead of fortress' Duchess
DescriptionI noticed since having been promoted to Mountainhome the diplomats kept conducting meetings in my Tavern despite my Duchess owning an opulent throne room (office). When I checked to see where my duchess and other nobles were at when the meeting was conducted (i.e. DIPLOMACY notification popped up), none were anywhere near the diplomat or the tavern, and none had the "Conduct Meeting" job listed. It should be noted that prior to the Mountainhome promotion, all meetings took place in the throne room, and in the mayor/expedition leader's office before promotion to Barony.

It turned out that the diplomats were meeting one of the Counts from my civilization that has been frequenting my tavern ever since the fortress got promoted to Mountainhome. I figured this out when I had the notification "A diplomat could not complete a meeting and left unhappy." I reloaded the save to just after the elven diplomat arrived and tracked their movement and noticed that they were following the Count who was about to leave the map (thus leading to the unable to complete meeting report). Using DFHack, I teleported both of them into a locked room and the Diplomat kept chasing the Count who had a "Conduct Meeting" job listed but at the same time was still trying to leave the map, so the meeting still wouldn't initiate. I reloaded again and this time I teleported the Diplomat straight to the Count before they decided to leave and they both went to the tavern and successfuly initiated the meeting.
Steps To ReproduceNot sure how, but I'm guessing one of the steps is to get promoted to mountainhome and have nobles from other settlements visit your fortress.
Additional InformationDespite this issue, all past agreements with the Elven diplomat remained valid, provided the meeting actually took place and the diplomat left satisfied. Since this issue started happening after being promoted to mountainhome, there were no agreements with the dwarven civ to be made so they are unaffected. The humans diplomat doesn't make any agreements but I assume they can still leave unhappy if they can't meet the noble they're looking for.

Save file:
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2024-08-29 20:38

reporter   ~0042324

My apologies, I forgot to mention the name of the Count for the linked save file. The Count's name is Vutok Mesirasën, Count of Tongsfondle.


2024-09-16 16:35

reporter   ~0042356

Last edited: 2024-09-16 16:37

This issue has now worsened. Instead of bringing the diplomat to the dining hall to conduct the meeting, the meeting will start wherever the visiting noble happens to be when the diplomat meets them. However, the meeting seems to never end, even after clicking through the dialogue in the diplomacy screen i.e. activity stuck at "Attend meeting" and "Conduct meeting" for the diplomat and visiting noble respectively.

(btw, the diplomat will meet some other visiting noble if the Count I mentioned earlier is not on the map)

I'm not 100% sure it has anything to do with the issue, but some of the visiting nobles now have a lot of unmet needs, mostly praying related. I think the diplomat is trying to have meetings with nobles who have purple praying activities who nevertheless stops what they're doing but then gets stuck in the meeting activity.


2025-03-24 23:26

reporter   ~0042616

The recent change to land holding nobles in 51.07 seems to have resolved this issue.

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Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2024-08-29 20:17 amade New Issue
2024-08-29 20:38 amade Note Added: 0042324
2024-09-16 16:35 amade Note Added: 0042356
2024-09-16 16:37 amade Note Edited: 0042356
2025-03-24 23:26 amade Note Added: 0042616