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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0013087Dwarf FortressAdventure Mode -- Generalpublic2025-02-05 01:11
ReporterEdellinen Assigned To 
Status newResolutionopen 
Product Version51.04 
Summary0013087: Game always crashes in town.
DescriptionI'm not certain if the event is related to the crash, but the crashes started when a group of bandits attacked me near the temple, and their bodies were left to rot there for a while. Now whenever I end world travel near the temple, the game crashes after one turn. If I access the town farther away from the temple, it takes a few more ticks to crash, so it seems that the game crashes are correlated with my proximity of the temple.
Steps To ReproduceI'm not sure if the bug can be easily reproduced on another save file, but I'd love to share my save file here if I could.
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2025-02-05 01:11

reporter   ~0042531

You can upload your save here:
The crash log might also be useful (see "crashlogs" folder).

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Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2025-02-04 08:00 Edellinen New Issue
2025-02-05 01:11 Bumber Note Added: 0042531