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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0013095Dwarf FortressAdventure Mode -- Conversationpublic2025-02-15 13:33
Reporterrescue_toaster Assigned To 
Status newResolutionopen 
Product Version51.04 
Summary0013095: Crashes when trying to tell a story about person or creature
DescriptionMy game now crashes whenever trying to tell a story about a person or creature. I used to be able to but cannot now. I can tell stories about all the other things and do other performances, but whenever I then go try to a story about person or creature, game crashes. It seems to be specific to this specific saved character, as I created a new world and new adventurer quickly and could tell a story with that character.
Steps To Reproduce* run game
* load saved game
* tell a story
* tell a story about a person or creature
Additional InformationLinux version
Tagsperform, tell a story



2025-02-07 21:16

reporter   ~0042536

This is going to require that you upload your zipped region folder (your saved game) somewhere like and post a link to it here. They're not going to be able to reproduce the problem otherwise.


2025-02-08 08:08

reporter   ~0042538

I figured this would be the case, but didn't see a mechanism for uploading a file. I've uploaded my save file to dffd. Thanks for the tip!


2025-02-14 06:36

reporter   ~0042549

still occurs in 51.05


2025-02-15 13:33

reporter   ~0042555

might be related to 0011227 & 0011614

Add Note


Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2025-02-07 06:45 rescue_toaster New Issue
2025-02-07 06:45 rescue_toaster Tag Attached: perform
2025-02-07 06:45 rescue_toaster Tag Attached: tell a story
2025-02-07 21:16 JasonMel Note Added: 0042536
2025-02-08 08:08 rescue_toaster Note Added: 0042538
2025-02-14 06:36 rescue_toaster Note Added: 0042549
2025-02-15 13:33 Ziusudra Note Added: 0042555