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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0013108Dwarf FortressAdventure Mode -- Generalpublic2025-02-20 22:07
ReporterAvloren Assigned To 
PrioritynormalSeveritymajorReproducibilityhave not tried
Status newResolutionopen 
PlatformSteamOSWindowsOS Version10
Product Version51.05 
Summary0013108: Divinitation Die Transformation reduces age, turns adventurer into baby
DescriptionAn unlucky die roll temporarily cursed my adventurer, turning my 189-year-old normal-sized adult elf into a 2-month-old baby giant stoat. After 1 week had passed and the transformation wore off, I turned back into an elf - but still 2-months-old and baby-elf-sized. With the size, weight, blood, and (particularly) maximum burden capacity of a baby, this crippled the adventurer. Maximum burden went from 155 pounds as an adult to 12 as a baby, making it impractical to use or carry most items.
Steps To ReproduceBe an adult elf adventurer.
Roll divinition die.
Get major curse result, turn into an animal for 1 week.
Notice that your new animal form has <1 year age.
Wait 1 week for curse to end, become elf again.
Notice that you're still <1 year old, and with size and burden capacity of a baby.
Additional InformationNo mods or dfhack were in use when I first got the bug. I later added dfhack to investigate and fix it, which is how I discoverd that I was baby-sized (as far as I know this information is not normally displayed ingame, age and burden capacity were the only obvious displayed changes at first).

It's possible to fix this through use of dfhack's "gui/gm editor" command, but it's difficult. There's not a simple way to just 'grow up', changing age does not seem to trigger the size/weight/etc. changes you'd expect, at least not in adventure mode. So I had to manually correct the several stats that were affected, comparing to an old pre-bug save to get the correct numbers, and I'm still unsure if I found everything that needed to be fixed. This is probably beyond the patience or knowledge of many players, so this bug will often ruin a character with no recourse.

Stats I changed:

Burden capacity seems to be a derived stat that automatically changed after correcting the above stats.
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2025-02-20 12:29

reporter   ~0042562

Last edited: 2025-02-20 12:30

Due to the random nature of divination die, it's hard to attempt to reproduce this bug. I plan to continue playing the character and using divination die, if I get another major curse I will report whether the bug repeats or not.


2025-02-20 13:03

reporter   ~0042563

At this moment my adventurer is still a baby giant stoat, and is just a few steps from transforming back into a baby elf. Unfortunately I think at this point the damage is already done, since the age was reduced when I first transformed into a giant stoat, a moment that's hard to reproduce or capture in a save.


2025-02-20 22:02

reporter   ~0042564

Last edited: 2025-02-20 22:07

Another die turned me into a giant snapping turtle, age changed from 189 to 13. Luckily giant snapping turtles are born fully grown, so I was full sized (for a giant snapping turtle) despite the young age.

Upon reverting back to elf after 1 week, I'm now a 13-year-old elf, and my size has returned to normal (adult) elf size. Which is odd since I should be a child at this point (age <18). So the bug is partially reproducible - age did change again, but it does not always lead to size changing.

Maybe it's something about the giant stoat specifically? The short lifespan, or the fact that it has a child version (unlike the turtle, which is born full sized).

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Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2025-02-20 12:27 Avloren New Issue
2025-02-20 12:29 Avloren Note Added: 0042562
2025-02-20 12:30 Avloren Note Edited: 0042562
2025-02-20 13:03 Avloren Note Added: 0042563
2025-02-20 22:02 Avloren Note Added: 0042564
2025-02-20 22:07 Avloren Note Edited: 0042564