Reporter | dwarfishj | Assigned To | | |
Priority | high | Severity | major | Reproducibility | always |
Status | new | Resolution | open | |
Product Version | 51.08 | |
Summary | 0013129: Advanced World Options Dont Affect World Gen |
Description | I'm trying to give myself more embark points for my dwarves to start off with. This is a brand new downloaded copy of dwarf fortress, whenever I change the embark points and save the amount in adv world gen then go back to basic world gen and create the world, by the time im embarking i only have 500 points again when i changed it to 10,000. On top of that my basic world gen parameters only have like a 50% chance of sticking as well. Basically im creating worlds and not getting any of the parameters i chose and for now this has made the game completely unplayable for me because I have a specific playthrough i wanna do but starting with 500 embark points makes it impossible. |
Steps To Reproduce | choose create new world, go in advanced world gen, choose 10,000 embark points, create the world, choose location, choose custom embark, notice you dont have 10,000 embark points. |
Additional Information | I wasnt able to get this to work despite deleting and redownloading dwarf fortress repeatedly. The only advice i found on the internet was the press enter after changing the embark points which i tried twice as well but i was already doing that in the first place. I also saved it over and over. I checked the world gen.text in my df folder and it has 10000 embark points as well! |
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