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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0001403Dwarf FortressDwarf Mode -- Combatpublic2010-05-18 06:14
ReporterThief Assigned To 
PrioritynormalSeveritymajorReproducibilityhave not tried
Status newResolutionopen 
Product Version0.31.03 
Summary0001403: Unconscious dwarf not drowning
DescriptionI have a save with a dwarven child being viciously slaughtered by a titan. Inside, in 7/7 water, with a ceiling on top. Neither one is drowning (or dieing). I don't know if the titan should be drowning, for all I know it can breathe under water. The child, however, should be dead already. The child is unconscious, and the health screen shows that they can't breathe, but also says that they're not drowning.
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related to 0000449 resolvedToady One Strangling/strangulation doesn't kill people who are already unconscious for other reasons 



2010-04-21 13:17


I think there was a prior report about unconscious people not dying from strangulation. Apparently they just don't need to breathe at all!

Village Idiot

2010-04-21 14:41

reporter   ~0004504

In adventure mode, I went unconscious from a mortal wound while drowning, but I didn't die from drowning and woke op again, I managed to get on the shore before dieing from a blind cave bear attack. So it's also in adventure mode.

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Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2010-04-21 12:59 Thief New Issue
2010-04-21 13:17 user6 Note Added: 0004495
2010-04-21 13:19 user6 Relationship added child of 0000449
2010-04-21 13:19 user6 Summary Dwarf not drowning => Unconscious dwarf not drowning
2010-04-21 14:41 Village Idiot Note Added: 0004504
2010-05-04 14:00 user6 Relationship added parent of 0001742
2010-05-04 14:00 user6 Relationship deleted parent of 0001742
2012-03-05 08:57 user6 Relationship replaced related to 0000449