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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0000195Dwarf FortressWeatherpublic2014-10-27 14:33
Reportergaranis Assigned ToToady One  
Status resolvedResolutionfixed 
Fixed in Version0.40.15 
Summary0000195: Setting WEATHER:NO just keeps rain from stopping, not starting
DescriptionI set weather to "No" in init.txt during a rainstorm, and reloaded the game. It has now been raining for two years. Is this a feature? Is this switch simply supposed to stop the weather from changing?
Steps To ReproduceWait until it rains. Save/Exit and set Weather to "NO" in init.txt. Reload game.


has duplicate 0007593 resolveduser6 Weather off apparently means weather permanently on. 
related to 0004310 resolvedToady One Rain start and stop announcements may only pertain to a small part of the map 



2010-04-02 16:20

reporter   ~0000324

This is an old issue. Turning off weather while it is raining causes it to rain forever.

I think this can be fixed by turning weather back on, waiting until the rain stops, and then turning weather off again.


2010-04-02 16:30

reporter   ~0000328

Well, now that there is a bug tracker it will get resolved as either a bug or a feature...


2010-04-02 18:49

reporter   ~0000360

Old issue or not, still sounds like a bug to me.


2010-06-27 06:05

reporter   ~0009165

I did a forum search first and saw some people with the same issue as me.

I wait until it stops raining, save and quit DF, change weather to NO and then reload DF. After some play time, it starts raining again and never stops.

I've tried turning weather back to ON and waiting for the rain to stop 4 or 5 times. No matter when I turn weather off, it always starts raining again and goes indefinitely.


2014-09-17 20:03

reporter   ~0030239

Last edited: 2014-09-17 20:03

I can confirm, it has little to nothing to do with the weather status at the time of turning weather to 'NO'. If it wasn't raining when you did it, it will shortly thereafter begin, and it will not stop.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2010-04-02 16:19 garanis New Issue
2010-04-02 16:20 Ymrel Note Added: 0000324
2010-04-02 16:30 garanis Note Added: 0000328
2010-04-02 16:42 solarshado Tag Attached: init.txt
2010-04-02 18:49 DoctorZuber Note Added: 0000360
2010-04-29 13:11 user6 Category General => Weather
2010-06-27 06:05 Ultraviolent Note Added: 0009165
2010-06-27 19:42 user6 Summary Setting weather to "No" does not stop weather. => Setting WEATHER:NO while it's raining causes it to rain forever
2011-03-23 10:44 user6 Summary Setting WEATHER:NO while it's raining causes it to rain forever => Setting WEATHER:NO just keeps rain from stopping, not starting
2011-03-23 10:44 user6 Relationship added related to 0004310
2014-07-23 17:30 user6 Relationship added has duplicate 0007593
2014-09-17 20:03 Pickerel Note Added: 0030239
2014-09-17 20:03 Pickerel Note Edited: 0030239
2014-09-17 22:36 user6 Assigned To => user6
2014-09-17 22:36 user6 Status new => confirmed
2014-10-27 14:33 Toady One Status confirmed => resolved
2014-10-27 14:33 Toady One Fixed in Version => 51.06
2014-10-27 14:33 Toady One Resolution open => fixed
2014-10-27 14:33 Toady One Assigned To user6 => Toady One