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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0001979Dwarf FortressInit Optionspublic2012-02-13 09:12
ReporterFarmerbob Assigned Touser6 
Status closedResolutionno change required 
PlatformCore Duo / 4GB / Nvidia 9800GTXOSWindowsOS VersionVista 64
Product Version0.31.04 
Summary0001979: Manually saved games are not in current folder
DescriptionI have set up seasonal saves. When I manually save a game, it is not stored in the current folder, nor is it saved anywhere that I can tell (based on perusing file modification times). When I try to grok the filenames to figure out which of the files is the most recent, the syntax appears to be a concatenation of different seasons sometimes, and at other times they appear to make sense, with only one season and a year.

I'm really not sure that any of this is a bug, or really strange save game implementation. Before starting to try to report bugs I never bothered with saved games, other than a single save, now the headache is terribly annoying.

I suspect the concatenated seasons filenames are meant to indicate multiple saves, with the seasons during which you stopped and started on that particular timeline represented.

If this is indeed not a bug, can I suggest a better organization? Store the saved game history data in a file, and open a text window to let you see the save game history of the saved game you are selecting, basically a tooltip window, like viewing dwarf skills, which will change as you highlight different saves.

Keep the basic format of the simple filenames, and the year-stamp

Sort the files from top to bottom based on real world save time, so you know that if you pick the bottom of the list, it will be your most current save.

The current advanced save system makes trying to reproduce bugs a complete nightmare.
Steps To Reproduceturn on advanced save game features
TagsNo tags attached.


duplicate of 0003082 resolveduser6 Use of the auto-save and auto-backup features results in save folders with confusing, ridiculously long titles. 



2010-05-19 18:41

reporter   ~0007031

Just found a method to determine the actual most recent save. The save folders themselves have meaningless time and date, but the world.sav file in each folder actually has the real save time of the game.

Honestly figuring out what save game you want to load shouldn't be this convoluted.


2010-05-19 23:46


Last edited: 2010-05-19 23:48

This is not a bug. First off, the "current" folder is a special folder that the game uses to shuffle files around during the save process -- it's not an actual save folder itself.

Secondly, when autobackup is turned off, the game always saves to the folder you loaded from. Usually this folder will have a name like region1, region2, etc. When you turn on autobackup, the game continues to save the game to this folder, but also creates an extra folder (the backup), which has the same name as the folder you're playing from, except with the year/season appended. Ordinarily, you should not load from the backup folders -- you should keep loading from the regionX folder. If you do load from a backup folder, you're now playing from that folder, and subsequent backups will have ANOTHER season/year appended.

Bottom line -- learn to recognize the autobackup folders, and don't load from them unless you really want to. (And if you do, you should rename them from regionX-1050-summer to regionX-restored or something, so it doesn't get confusing. And don't rename them while the game's running).

Does that clear things up?


2010-05-20 00:04

reporter   ~0007049

Heh, no, it doesn't clear it up at all, but I'll take it at your word that it's not bugged.

I'll take it to the DF forums and put in a suggestion for a less strange file management system.


2010-05-20 00:25


Last edited: 2010-05-20 00:25

Okay. The best advice I have to offer is this: turn off autobackup and get used to how saving works normally. After that, autobackup will make more sense (although it will still be confusing, no argument there).

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2010-05-19 18:34 Farmerbob New Issue
2010-05-19 18:41 Farmerbob Note Added: 0007031
2010-05-19 23:46 user6 Note Added: 0007048
2010-05-19 23:46 user6 Note Edited: 0007048
2010-05-19 23:48 user6 Note Edited: 0007048
2010-05-20 00:04 Farmerbob Note Added: 0007049
2010-05-20 00:25 user6 Note Added: 0007050
2010-05-20 00:25 user6 Status new => resolved
2010-05-20 00:25 user6 Resolution open => no change required
2010-05-20 00:25 user6 Assigned To => user6
2010-05-20 00:25 user6 Note Edited: 0007050
2010-06-09 06:45 Toady One Status resolved => closed
2010-08-21 21:58 user6 Relationship added has duplicate 0003082
2012-02-13 09:12 user6 Relationship replaced duplicate of 0003082