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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0002363Dwarf FortressSitespublic2011-02-05 16:35
ReporterQuietust Assigned Touser11 
Status resolvedResolutionwon't fix 
Product Version0.31.06 
Summary0002363: Ghost town - intact hovels in ruin still contain full food barrels
DescriptionAfter killing several giants in a non-cave (due to 0001867 - there's a high magma pool directly below the cave), I explored the ruins of a nearby human town, no doubt destroyed by said giants. During my exploration, however, I noticed that many hovels were still intact, and they still contained barrels full of food, all marked with $$ to indicate that they were the property of whatever civilization used to live there.

There are no inhabitants (aside from many wild animals), and I am not given the option to retire as a peasant.

The food is also there when embarking on the town in Fortress mode.
Steps To Reproduce[WORLD_GEN]

The ruin in question, "Licooñec", is at the center of the world map, immediately to the left of the cave "Totsnostgozru" (which isn't actually there).
TagsNo tags attached.



2010-06-17 07:31

reporter   ~0008598

Minor correction: the ruin is to the RIGHT of the cave, not to the left.


2010-06-17 07:37


Last edited: 2010-06-17 07:38

Maybe the town was recently abandoned. Could you try looking it up in Legends?


2010-06-17 08:22

reporter   ~0008601

Legends mode doesn't report any activity for the site past the year 144, so the ruin has been uninhabited for over 900 years.


2011-02-05 15:23


Reminder sent to: Quietust

Is this report still valid? I don't think there are food barrels anymore, is there (testing in 31.18)?


2011-02-05 15:37

reporter   ~0015014

Dwarfu: probably not, since this was specific to the way hovels worked in human towns in 0.31.12 and earlier.


2011-02-05 16:35


Ok, thanks for the follow-up.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2010-06-17 07:30 Quietust New Issue
2010-06-17 07:31 Quietust Note Added: 0008598
2010-06-17 07:37 user6 Note Added: 0008600
2010-06-17 07:38 user6 Note Edited: 0008600
2010-06-17 08:22 Quietust Note Added: 0008601
2011-02-05 15:23 user11 Note Added: 0015013
2011-02-05 15:37 Quietust Note Added: 0015014
2011-02-05 16:35 user11 Note Added: 0015018
2011-02-05 16:35 user11 Status new => resolved
2011-02-05 16:35 user11 Resolution open => won't fix
2011-02-05 16:35 user11 Assigned To => user11