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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0002387Dwarf FortressDwarf Mode -- Embark/Setuppublic2010-08-10 00:14
Reportermadk Assigned Touser6 
PrioritylowSeveritycrashReproducibilityhave not tried
Status resolvedResolutionunable to reproduce 
Product Version0.31.06 
Summary0002387: Forgotten beast is available to bring along on embark screen for 1 point, choosing it then attempting to embark crashes game
DescriptionIt doesn't affect the game in any way, really, but it's still odd.
Steps To ReproduceChoose "Forgotten beast" on the (3rd, I think) page under the choose items portion of the embark screen
The game crashes when you hit Embark
TagsNo tags attached.



2010-06-19 17:34

reporter   ~0008738

Last edited: 2010-06-19 17:47

Did you do any modding to the game?

I'll see if its in the maydays .07 that I have.

Also, check the history of your civ and what important people show up in the civ list. I know megabeasts could become leaders or something somehow in 40D, so maybe in a rare fluke, your civ somehow gained a forgotten beast under their control?

Edit: Not seeing it in my game, it must be something unique to yours, probably some fluke with worldgen.

Wait a minute, since you have the remove all mount exotic and pet exotic tag utility, maybe you accidentially did that to a forgotten beast?


2010-06-20 04:44

reporter   ~0008760

@you have the remove all mount exotic and pet exotic tag utility, maybe you accidentially did that to a forgotten beast?

That could be it.


2010-06-20 07:29

reporter   ~0008769

Don't think it's that. The raws for forgotten beasts DO exist, but in an out-of-the-way data file (not in the raws folder), and they're not generated until during worldgen.


2010-06-20 09:23


Last edited: 2010-06-20 09:23

Did you do any other modding? What exact OS are you on?


2010-06-21 11:44


Any updates?


2010-06-28 07:50


Marking "unable to reproduce" due to lack of information from the reporter. If anyone else encounters this, PM me on the forums so I can reopen the report.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2010-06-19 17:33 madk New Issue
2010-06-19 17:34 smjjames Note Added: 0008738
2010-06-19 17:37 smjjames Note Edited: 0008738
2010-06-19 17:41 smjjames Note Edited: 0008738
2010-06-19 17:47 smjjames Note Edited: 0008738
2010-06-20 04:44 madk Note Added: 0008760
2010-06-20 07:29 Untelligent Note Added: 0008769
2010-06-20 09:23 user6 Note Added: 0008779
2010-06-20 09:23 user6 Note Edited: 0008779
2010-06-20 09:24 user6 Tag Attached: AWAITING UPDATE
2010-06-21 11:44 user6 Note Added: 0008876
2010-06-28 07:50 user6 Note Added: 0009225
2010-06-28 07:50 user6 Status new => resolved
2010-06-28 07:50 user6 Resolution open => unable to reproduce
2010-06-28 07:50 user6 Assigned To => user6
2010-08-10 00:14 user11 Tag Detached: AWAITING UPDATE