View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0002455Dwarf FortressDwarf Mode -- Buildings, Generalpublic2010-06-24 12:26
Reporterclc02 Assigned Touser6 
PrioritynormalSeverityminorReproducibilityhave not tried
Status resolvedResolutionno change required 
Summary0002455: Pillars displayed as black
DescriptionI changed pillars from 227 (Used in the Iron Hand graphic pack.) to the normal capital O (Did not use numbers) because I was switching back to ASCII. I turned off graphics, set full screen to 0x0 and the font to curses_16x16.bitmap or whatever. Started the game and the pillars are now shown as black boxes.
Steps To ReproduceSet your pillar tile to something different. Make a fort (with graphics enabled), build a pillar, save, switch graphics off, change pillar back to O, load fort.
Additional InformationThis fort started in .08, hasn't been carried through. Haven't tried to reproduce. Also adventure mode had a display subcategory, should dwarf mode have one too?
TagsNo tags attached.



2010-06-23 22:27


Last edited: 2010-06-23 22:28

It sounds like you're using a version with graphics included. Do you still get this problem in vanilla 31.08?


2010-06-24 12:08

reporter   ~0009060

Found the problem, forgot to put 's around it.


2010-06-24 12:26


That'd do it.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2010-06-23 21:05 clc02 New Issue
2010-06-23 22:27 user6 Note Added: 0009041
2010-06-23 22:28 user6 Note Edited: 0009041
2010-06-24 12:08 clc02 Note Added: 0009060
2010-06-24 12:26 user6 Note Added: 0009061
2010-06-24 12:26 user6 Status new => resolved
2010-06-24 12:26 user6 Resolution open => no change required
2010-06-24 12:26 user6 Assigned To => user6