View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0002473Dwarf FortressDwarf Mode -- Buildings, Generalpublic2010-08-10 00:10
ReporterLurkersA Assigned Touser6 
PrioritynormalSeverityminorReproducibilityhave not tried
Status resolvedResolutionunable to reproduce 
PlatformPCOSWindowsOS Version 7 x64
Product Version0.31.08 
Summary0002473: Dwarves will walk across unbuilt/not-yet-constructed floors
DescriptionAs a part of my attempt to exterminate any elves that come near my fort, I surrounded my trade depot with walls, and rigged up an automated 'lock the elves in then drown them' system. After testing this, I found that because of the climate, the flooded area would freeze before I had a chance to drain it to retrieve the elf-loot. So I set some dwarves to build a roof over the area with floor tiles (b-C-f).

While watching them build, I noticed the masons pathing across about 20-25 squares of un-built floor tiles to start constructing on the opposite side.

In short: Dwarves observed pathing across floor tiles that do not yet exist in order to construct other tiles.
Steps To ReproduceBuild a square of wall, with an access (stairs). Shift up 1 z-level and designate the open area between the walls as a floor to be constructed (b-C-f). Observe as dwarves walk across this open space.

z = 0 z = +1

00000 00000
0...0X 0+++0X
0...0 0+++0
0...0 0+++0
00000 00000
Additional InformationPopulation = 49
Year = 1063
TagsNo tags attached.



2010-06-25 21:05

reporter   ~0009108

Sorry: 0000024:0000020-25 should be 20-25. My pretty picture in 'steps to reproduce' got eaten too.


2010-06-25 21:19

reporter   ~0009109

Can you eliminate a varaible please, did they walk over the wall sections which are pathable?


2010-06-25 21:35

reporter   ~0009112

No they did not path across the wall sections. They were walking across empty space.


2010-06-25 21:43


Last edited: 2010-06-25 21:43

It would be helpful to upload a save where a dwarf is currently standing on empty space.


2010-06-26 06:43

reporter   ~0009123

Was the space full of ice at that point?


2010-06-27 19:57


Any save forthcoming?


2010-07-13 22:16


Reminder sent to: LurkersA

Do you have a save that demonstrates this problem? If so, it would be helpful to upload it to


2010-07-14 21:12

reporter   ~0010293

My apologies for the late reply. I have been unable to reproduce this issue (though not for lack of trying). I believe we can either write this off as a screw-up on my part, or a once off. If I catch it happening again the first item of business will be getting a backup of the save though.


2010-07-14 22:09


Sounds good. Feel free to reopen this if/when it shows up again.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2010-06-25 20:51 LurkersA New Issue
2010-06-25 21:05 LurkersA Note Added: 0009108
2010-06-25 21:19 Cryten Note Added: 0009109
2010-06-25 21:35 LurkersA Note Added: 0009112
2010-06-25 21:42 user6 Description Updated
2010-06-25 21:43 user6 Note Added: 0009113
2010-06-25 21:43 user6 Note Edited: 0009113
2010-06-26 06:43 Telarin Note Added: 0009123
2010-06-27 19:57 user6 Tag Attached: AWAITING UPDATE
2010-06-27 19:57 user6 Note Added: 0009188
2010-07-13 22:16 user6 Note Added: 0010211
2010-07-14 21:12 LurkersA Note Added: 0010293
2010-07-14 22:09 user6 Note Added: 0010301
2010-07-14 22:09 user6 Status new => resolved
2010-07-14 22:09 user6 Resolution open => unable to reproduce
2010-07-14 22:09 user6 Assigned To => user6
2010-08-10 00:10 user11 Tag Detached: AWAITING UPDATE