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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0002506Dwarf FortressDwarf Mode -- Jobs, Cleaningpublic2014-09-13 12:34
ReporterChickenLips Assigned ToToady One  
Status resolvedResolutionfixed 
PlatformAMDOSWindowsOS VersionXP
Product Version0.31.08 
Fixed in Version0.40.13 
Summary0002506: Dwarves attempting to clean water puddles out of dug-out frozen river
DescriptionDear Amost,

Alright, fine. I've accepted you and all the rest ignoring blood and vomit all over my fortress walls and floors. But it has now gone too far. While I found it worthwhile to channel out some of the frozen river to recover the corpses and belongings of hapless invaders, and while I commend your efforts in assisting with the retrieval of these things, it is beyond my belief and toleration that you have... you...

You're attempting to clean the water out from the bottom of the river? And this one day before it insta-unfreezes and drowns you?


Apologies for the presentation. This one is too ridiculous to present flatly.

As written, I channeled out a frozen river and took out everything that was encased therein. Water sits at the bottom, and I've got a dorf with a Clean job heading to that tile. There are some odd priorities here, because, even with the rarity of cleaning as is, I've read elsewhere that the AI supposedly prioritizes indoor locations when Cleaning. They probably shouldn't be cleaning water out of the bottom of frozen riverbeds.
Steps To ReproduceCleaning itself seems intermittent, but the following are preconditions:

1) On a temperate map with a river in which the river has frozen over, channel out a number of tiles. (In my case, I did a 3 x 3 or 3 x 4 area.)
2) Have a dwarf or dwarves with no high-priority tasks on his/their menu. (This one only had Item Hauling enabled other than Gemsetting, and the shop was idle.)
3) Wait for one to acquire the Clean job and head over to the "Water" sitting at the bottom of the river. (I'm not sure if my map is just on the edge with temperatures or something, but it stays visible as "Water", instead of freezing.

Additional InformationSave available.
TagsHoldover from 40d?


related to 0000425 confirmeduser6 Dwarves Not Cleaning Blood 



2010-06-30 11:39

reporter   ~0009390

I have actually seen a dwarf clean an outdoor, above ground tile. That tile had ice(8) on it. It looks like someone had taken a bucket from a well and spilled it outside. The water had frozen into ice, and then a dwarf ran over and cleaned up the ice. While outdoors! And above ground!

It shocked me, yes.

Meanwhile the dwarves are ignoring the puddles of vomit next to the trade depot, and have been ignoring it for about 10 years now.


2010-06-30 11:40


ChickenLips, uploading the save would probably be helpful.


2010-06-30 15:58

reporter   ~0009424

Oh no -- got my saves mixed up and accidentally deleted this one while preserving gone where it was already well past. Sorry, Foot. :(


2010-06-30 16:11

reporter   ~0009425

Last edited: 2010-06-30 16:14

I think I know what he is talking about.

In 40D, when I channeled/mined away on a frozen brook, ir left puddles of stagnant water, which prompted dwarves to come and clean up the stagnant water. Is that what you're seeing here?

Could just be leftover behavior from 40D.

Edit: I'm not 100% sure whether its a holdover from 40D or not, so feel free to remove the tag if it isn't.


2010-06-30 17:25

reporter   ~0009429

Yep, that sounds about right. Although, IIRC, it showed as just "water," rather than "stagnant water."

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2010-06-29 00:19 ChickenLips New Issue
2010-06-30 11:39 hyndis Note Added: 0009390
2010-06-30 11:40 user6 Note Added: 0009391
2010-06-30 15:58 ChickenLips Note Added: 0009424
2010-06-30 16:11 smjjames Note Added: 0009425
2010-06-30 16:13 smjjames Tag Attached: Holdover from 40d?
2010-06-30 16:14 smjjames Note Edited: 0009425
2010-06-30 17:25 ChickenLips Note Added: 0009429
2010-07-07 17:51 user6 Relationship added child of 0000425
2011-03-30 10:27 user6 Relationship replaced related to 0000425
2011-03-30 10:28 user6 Summary Dorfs attempting to Clean water out of river (!) => Dorfs attempting to clean water puddles out of dug-out frozen river
2011-03-30 10:28 user6 Summary Dorfs attempting to clean water puddles out of dug-out frozen river => Dwarves attempting to clean water puddles out of dug-out frozen river
2014-09-13 12:34 Toady One Status new => resolved
2014-09-13 12:34 Toady One Fixed in Version => 51.06
2014-09-13 12:34 Toady One Resolution open => fixed
2014-09-13 12:34 Toady One Assigned To => Toady One