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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0002507Dwarf FortressTechnical -- Saving/Loadingpublic2010-08-22 05:03
Reporterthijser Assigned ToLogical2u  
Status resolvedResolutionunable to reproduce 
Product Version0.31.08 
Summary0002507: blue screen opon saving auto saving or quiting.
DescriptionSometimes when I auto save normal save quit the game or abandon a fort the game goes to a blue screen the screen itself lasts only seconds and then my computer restarts. It only happend during one of the above and only with dwarf fortress. This sometimes causes the save to become unusable causing another crash during reloading of save. Othertimes there is just no new save. (the old one stays.)
Steps To Reproducerandom.
Additional InformationI only use mayday's mod no other modding no eddited raws and only autosave turned on(seasonal) no other init changed.
Tags0.31.08, blue screen, crash, save game


related to 0002731 resolveduser6 random crash opon save. 



2010-06-29 05:32

reporter   ~0009295

Any bluescreen is almost certainly due to fundamental problems with your computer itself, such as faulty RAM, an overheating video card, or buggy/corrupted drivers - it is impossible for an application alone to crash the entire operating system.


2010-06-29 14:51

reporter   ~0009323

Still it's weird that it only happens while playing dwarf fortress. Next time I will try to note as much as passble from the blue screen.


2010-06-29 15:55

reporter   ~0009334

Almost certainly a hardware fault.

Try testing your memory with MemTest86. You can download a bootable copy from


2010-06-30 19:15

reporter   ~0009436

@Hyndis: Do you know how to get this to run? I tried downloading it but Roxio diskburner or whatever wants to burn the data to a CD, but I don't have any to burn it onto.


2010-06-30 19:35

manager   ~0009437

@Smjjames - it's a LiveCD technique, I believe, so you need to put it onto some sort of bootable medium for your PC. Some PCs can boot from USB keys or external hard drives, but generally acceptable methods are disk drives and floppy drives, hence the CD burning.


2010-06-30 22:28


Bad memory isn't the only possible culprit -- I think you can get BSODs from a failing hard drive, too.


2010-07-01 07:59

reporter   ~0009457

Yes, you can get blue screens from failing hard drives. It can also happen when the old 4-pin hard drive power connectors aren't making proper contact, in my experience. It would be odd that it happens with DF and nothing else, though... well, maybe with the length of time that DF takes to save.


2010-07-01 08:45

reporter   ~0009459

Okay cool, thanks for letting me know.


2010-07-01 14:11

reporter   ~0009470

the computer in question is only a few months old so which problems are still passble/what can I do against it?


2010-07-01 14:22

manager   ~0009471

Even on a new computer hardware faults are still likely when it comes to blue screen - the other one is drivers. The blue screen itself will have more information, allowing us to narrow down the potential culprits. Do you have anything along those lines to share, as you seemed to be collecting as per your first note?

You can run memtest, or a SMART utility (to check hard drives) otherwise.


2010-07-01 15:00

reporter   ~0009472

Specifically, the numeric error code (e.g. "*** STOP: 0x00000050") is important, as well as the module in which it occurred (which should be listed on the next line).


2010-07-08 08:17


Reminder sent to: user6, thijser

Do you have any of the additional information requested at 0002507:0009471 and 0002507:0009472?


2010-07-09 10:54

reporter   ~0009832

Well as I'm now on vacation the problem has been put on hold for 3 weeks (19 days from now.) (Currently using an ancient laptop barly able to run a good fort but still usable...)


2010-07-26 14:09

reporter   ~0011104

OK the problem has changed since a windows update it now no longer crashes but everything just ceases and the sound goes into a repeat for something between 10 and 40 seconds and then it restores.


2010-07-26 14:12


What does "it restores" mean? Does your PC still reboot? Does the game get successfully saved?


2010-08-01 02:50

reporter   ~0011350

OK the old probelm manged to return (it was only gone for some time). Running a f9 test during starting of the system I manged to get it to tell me there is a BIOME-1 error in the RAM.


2010-08-18 17:09

manager   ~0011898

Hey Thijser, sorry to change this up on you so late, but here's my response for you...

Running a f9 test during starting of the system I manged to get it to tell me there is a BIOME-1 error in the RAM.

This specifically indicates that you have a hardware issue with your computer. Your first order of business should be to remove all but one of stick of RAM from your PC, and run Memtest (see on your computer, then repeat for all other sticks of RAM you were using. This should narrow down which stick is bad. Then you just need to throw out or replace that stick of RAM.

However since this means it's a hardware problem, it's explicitly not a problem Dwarf Fortress can really cause or resolve. Thus I've marked this as "unable to reproduce".

I hope your computer hardware troubles are easily fixed. I know a few good hardware forums you can go to for further help on this topic, but I encourage you to PM me on the forums for those rather than reopening this bug.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2010-06-29 01:30 thijser New Issue
2010-06-29 01:30 thijser Tag Attached: 0.31.08
2010-06-29 01:30 thijser Tag Attached: save game
2010-06-29 01:31 thijser Tag Attached: crash
2010-06-29 01:32 thijser Tag Attached: blue screen
2010-06-29 05:32 Quietust Note Added: 0009295
2010-06-29 14:51 thijser Note Added: 0009323
2010-06-29 15:55 hyndis Note Added: 0009334
2010-06-30 19:15 smjjames Note Added: 0009436
2010-06-30 19:35 Logical2u Note Added: 0009437
2010-06-30 22:28 user6 Note Added: 0009445
2010-07-01 07:59 cswvna Note Added: 0009457
2010-07-01 08:45 smjjames Note Added: 0009459
2010-07-01 14:11 thijser Note Added: 0009470
2010-07-01 14:22 Logical2u Note Added: 0009471
2010-07-01 15:00 Quietust Note Added: 0009472
2010-07-08 08:15 user6 Tag Attached: AWAITING UPDATE
2010-07-08 08:17 user6 Note Added: 0009787
2010-07-08 08:21 user6 Category General => Technical -- Saving/Loading
2010-07-09 10:54 thijser Note Added: 0009832
2010-07-18 08:49 user6 Relationship added related to 0002731
2010-07-26 14:09 thijser Note Added: 0011104
2010-07-26 14:12 user6 Note Added: 0011105
2010-08-01 02:50 thijser Note Added: 0011350
2010-08-18 17:09 Logical2u Note Added: 0011898
2010-08-18 17:09 Logical2u Status new => resolved
2010-08-18 17:09 Logical2u Resolution open => unable to reproduce
2010-08-18 17:09 Logical2u Assigned To => Logical2u
2010-08-22 05:03 user11 Tag Detached: AWAITING UPDATE