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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0002528Dwarf FortressDwarf Mode -- Jobs, Sleepingpublic2010-07-12 14:39
Reporterfuriousfish Assigned To 
PrioritynormalSeverityminorReproducibilityhave not tried
Status newResolutionopen 
Summary0002528: Sleeping dwarf begins drowning, doesn't wake up
DescriptionA dwarf mined into an underground lake and immediately decided to go to sleep. He became submerged in water and soon drowned (died of suffocation, actually) without ever waking up.
Tagsdrown, sleep, tired


has duplicate 0003269 resolvedLogical2u Dwarf sleeps while drowning. 
has duplicate 0006064 resolvedLogical2u Dwraf sleep while drowning 
related to 0001740 new Civilian sleeps through skeletal fox attack 
related to 0008770 assigneduser6 Sleeping militia commander will not wake up 



2010-06-30 10:51

reporter   ~0009384

Game version is 0.31.08.


2010-06-30 10:53

reporter   ~0009385

Suicidal dwarf?

Anyways, are you sure that water pressure didn't slam him against a wall and knock him unconscious?


2010-06-30 11:02

reporter   ~0009387

I don't think so, his job was listed as "Sleep" and he had no visible injuries.


2010-06-30 11:35

reporter   ~0009389

Haven't seen this in 31.08 since its very hard to do on demand, but I've seen it happen in 31.03.

Dwarf carved a fortification into the side of a brook. Water then began flowing into the plumbing system, but at a very slow pace. Not pressurized, and a dwarf can easily outrun the water.

The dwarf decided it was naptime and just laid down for a nap. He had no injuries at all, and the water filled up to 7/7 and he drowned without waking up.

Reproducing this will be very hard to do, since you need to time the task such that the dwarf wants to sleep right after finishing the task. If he doesn't do it right away then he won't be caught by the water and drown. Its a matter of luck getting the timing to reproduce the bug.


2010-06-30 12:12

reporter   ~0009392

The fact that he suddenly went to sleep probably means he figured he couldn't path to his bed (or any bed) and instead decided to sleep on the ground.


2010-06-30 12:13

reporter   ~0009393

Should be easy to reproduce, actually. Build a burrow deathtrap and confine a dwarf to it. When he goes to sleep, open the floodgates.


2010-07-01 10:17

reporter   ~0009464

There were no beds in my fortress at the time, actually. Can't think of any reason he should have had pathing problems.


2010-07-01 11:43

reporter   ~0009467

Had no beds in my fortress at the time either. If there are no beds dwarves will just snooze where they are.

I do think the idea of a burrow or meeting zone reproducing it would work. Make it two levels. Bottom level is the meeting zone. Have no beds. When dwarves get tired they will sleep on the floor. Slowly flood the meeting zone while at the same time allowing them to escape up ramps to dry ground.

The water should cause the dwarves to interrupt their sleeping to move to higher ground.


2010-07-12 14:39

reporter   ~0010067

Last edited: 2010-07-12 14:44

I can reproduce the "sleep on command" effect reliably if you want. (0000733)

1. create burrow
2. assign dwarf to dig
3. let dwarf start digging and PAUSE
4. assign dwarf to burrow

dwarf will finish the current task, aka. digging.
dwarf will then become "stuck" on a nearby tile for several minutes.
while stuck, dwarf will use this time to take a nap if he is tired at all.

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Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2010-06-30 10:48 furiousfish New Issue
2010-06-30 10:51 furiousfish Note Added: 0009384
2010-06-30 10:53 smjjames Note Added: 0009385
2010-06-30 11:02 furiousfish Note Added: 0009387
2010-06-30 11:10 user6 Summary Unconscious dwarf did not wake up while drowning => Sleeping dwarf begins drowning, doesn't wake up
2010-06-30 11:35 hyndis Note Added: 0009389
2010-06-30 12:12 Quietust Note Added: 0009392
2010-06-30 12:13 Threlicus Note Added: 0009393
2010-07-01 10:17 furiousfish Note Added: 0009464
2010-07-01 11:43 hyndis Note Added: 0009467
2010-07-10 05:40 TomiTapio Tag Attached: sleep
2010-07-10 05:41 TomiTapio Tag Attached: drown
2010-07-10 05:41 TomiTapio Tag Attached: tired
2010-07-12 14:39 DoctorZuber Note Added: 0010067
2010-07-12 14:44 DoctorZuber Note Edited: 0010067
2010-09-17 21:42 Logical2u Relationship added has duplicate 0003269
2012-07-06 14:35 Logical2u Relationship added has duplicate 0006064
2014-01-27 20:06 user6 Relationship added related to 0001740
2015-01-28 07:17 user6 Relationship added related to 0008770