View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0002549Dwarf FortressDwarf Mode -- Jobs, Activity Zonespublic2010-07-03 05:00
ReporterBriggs Assigned Touser6 
Status resolvedResolutionno change required 
OSMicrosoft WindowsOS VersionXP 
Product Version0.31.08 
Summary0002549: Sand Collection Zones
DescriptionMy fort has the first two z-levels composed of "Loamy Sand". I'm not sure if this is a bug, but Loamy Sand can't be used as a sand collection zone. I set a swathe of Loamy Sand as a Sand Collection Zone, but it showed that there were 0 tiles available for Sand Collection. I went ahead and told my Glass Furnace to collect sand anyway, but the dwarves cancel the job because there are no suitable collection areas.
Steps To ReproduceDefine an area of Loamy Sand as a sand collection zone, try to collect sand.
TagsNo tags attached.



2010-07-03 00:36


Doubt this is a bug - the 'sandy' stuff isn't really sand, and as far as I remember has never been usable as sand - it has to be white, red, or black 'sand.' Can't remember if just 'sand' also works.


2010-07-03 00:49

reporter   ~0009563

Indeed, only clean sand will do, color does not matter.


2010-07-03 05:00


The posters above me are correct. The wiki explains this one well:

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2010-07-03 00:00 Briggs New Issue
2010-07-03 00:36 user11 Note Added: 0009562
2010-07-03 00:49 Kumquat Note Added: 0009563
2010-07-03 05:00 user6 Note Added: 0009566
2010-07-03 05:00 user6 Status new => resolved
2010-07-03 05:00 user6 Resolution open => no change required
2010-07-03 05:00 user6 Assigned To => user6