View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0002677Dwarf FortressDwarf Mode -- Jobs, Eating/Drinkingpublic2010-08-10 00:10
Reportershibdib Assigned Touser6 
Status resolvedResolutionunable to reproduce 
PlatformPCOSWindows 7OS Version64 Bit
Product Version0.31.10 
Summary0002677: Dwarves work themselves to death.
DescriptionI admire the enthusiasm but I had 3 Mason's die of dehydration because they refused to stop carving fortifications into my upper walls. The only other case of this on here was marked as resolved so I'm making a new one.
Steps To ReproduceUnknown... try making a large wall and marking it as carve into fortifications.
TagsNo tags attached.



2010-07-13 12:48


Did the masons have access to source of fresh water? Do you have a save where they keep working while dehydrated?


2010-07-13 13:54

reporter   ~0010168

Did you check whether you accidentially trapped your masons?


2010-07-13 14:05

reporter   ~0010170

they werent trapped, cause the doctors (who are my burial experts.. they cant save shit) went right up and got the body.

And i have over 300 units of booze and a well


2010-07-14 17:51

reporter   ~0010269

Cant get this to reproduce.. mighht have been a fluke? i dunno


2010-07-14 18:58

reporter   ~0010275

if you had a waterless map It could be due to the fact that dwarves will only drink water when injured. They take a fall at any time?


2010-07-14 19:04

reporter   ~0010277

nope, i removed the fortification and rebuilt it no problem.. not sure why this happened. And i have 2 working wells plus beer.. so dunno.. mark it as closed i suppose


2010-07-15 07:06


Last edited: 2010-07-15 07:06

Okay. Feel free to reopen this if it shows up again.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2010-07-13 11:14 shibdib New Issue
2010-07-13 12:48 user6 Note Added: 0010162
2010-07-13 12:49 user6 Tag Attached: AWAITING UPDATE
2010-07-13 13:54 smjjames Note Added: 0010168
2010-07-13 14:05 shibdib Note Added: 0010170
2010-07-14 17:51 shibdib Note Added: 0010269
2010-07-14 18:58 Cryten Note Added: 0010275
2010-07-14 19:04 shibdib Note Added: 0010277
2010-07-15 07:06 user6 Note Added: 0010336
2010-07-15 07:06 user6 Status new => resolved
2010-07-15 07:06 user6 Resolution open => unable to reproduce
2010-07-15 07:06 user6 Assigned To => user6
2010-07-15 07:06 user6 Note Edited: 0010336
2010-08-10 00:10 user11 Tag Detached: AWAITING UPDATE