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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0002915Dwarf FortressWorld Generation -- Generalpublic2010-08-10 00:08
Reporterthingyman Assigned Touser6 
Status resolvedResolutionunable to reproduce 
OSUbuntuOS Version10.04 
Product Version0.31.12 
Summary0002915: The game seg faults every time during world gen.
DescriptionEvery time I try to generate a new world, the game throws a seg fault at what seems to be the beginning of the "making civilizations" part.
Steps To ReproduceUnknown as to how to reproduce on other systems. It has never gotten past world gen on mine.
Additional InformationI read on the wiki that seg faults could be caused by permission issues. I tried running the game as root, and changing the permissions of the game files. Nothing helped.
TagsNo tags attached.



2010-08-01 15:23


Is there anything in your errorlog.txt? Are you attempting to generate worlds immediately after playing a Dwarf Mode game, as described in the "Steps to Reproduce" for 0002463?


2010-08-02 10:47

reporter   ~0011406

I did a search and the game doesn't seem to be generating an error log. Is it placed in somewhere outside the df folder?

The console output is simply:
Loading bindings from data/init/interface.txt
New window size: 1280x400
Font size: 16x16
Resizing grid to 80x25
Resizing font to 16x16

Resetting textures
Resetting textures
Segmentation fault

Which is why I didn't include it originally.

Also, this issue is upon download. I have not been able to play Dwarf Mode at all.


2010-08-02 12:54


Last edited: 2010-08-02 12:56

I did a search and the game doesn't seem to be generating an error log.

It only generates one if there are errors to log, so you probably just don't have any.

If the game is getting partway through worldgen and then crashing, it's bizarre that your gamelog doesn't contain the world seeds. The game may be having problems writing to the gamelog, which does suggest permission issues. Try redownloading the game and running it as root again.

Does the Object Testing Arena work? What about loading somebody else's save, e.g.


2010-08-02 18:09

reporter   ~0011420

Re-downloading seems to have fixed it. I'll update if I run into the problem again, hopefully with some actual info on how to recreate it.



2010-08-03 10:28


Alright, cool. I'll mark this "unable to reproduce" and you can reopen it if the bug shows up again.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2010-08-01 14:31 thingyman New Issue
2010-08-01 15:23 user6 Note Added: 0011372
2010-08-01 15:25 user6 Tag Attached: AWAITING UPDATE
2010-08-02 10:47 thingyman Note Added: 0011406
2010-08-02 12:54 user6 Note Added: 0011410
2010-08-02 12:56 user6 Note Edited: 0011410
2010-08-02 18:09 thingyman Note Added: 0011420
2010-08-03 10:28 user6 Note Added: 0011452
2010-08-03 10:28 user6 Status new => resolved
2010-08-03 10:28 user6 Resolution open => unable to reproduce
2010-08-03 10:28 user6 Assigned To => user6
2010-08-10 00:08 user11 Tag Detached: AWAITING UPDATE