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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0002973Dwarf FortressDwarf Mode -- Moodspublic2012-02-22 07:05
Reporterthisisausername Assigned ToLogical2u  
PrioritylowSeverityminorReproducibilityhave not tried
Status resolvedResolutionduplicate 
Product Version0.31.12 
Summary0002973: dwarf went insane despite having "begun a mysterious construction" more than a month earlier
DescriptionA jeweler was possessed and grabbed some rough black zircons, beginning work on his artifact shortly thereafter. I noticed that he seemed to be taking an abnormally long amount of time to complete his work, but I didn't really care about some perfectly cut gem (least of all a semi-precious one) so I went back about my usual business and forgot all about him.

A month later, he cancels the mood because he went insane. He'd been standing in his workshop, mumbling the name of his artifact the entire time.

I've had three strange moods without incident during this fort, and I double checked the announcement log; he began his mood on the 8th of Limestone, "began a mysterious construction" on the the 8th of Limestone, and went insane on the 22nd of Sandstone.
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duplicate of 0003051 resolveduser6 Dwarves can't use workshops -- workshops are forbidden but not marked as such 


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Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2010-08-07 05:40 thisisausername New Issue
2010-08-07 06:08 Logical2u Relationship added duplicate of 0002969
2010-08-07 06:08 Logical2u Status new => resolved
2010-08-07 06:08 Logical2u Resolution open => duplicate
2010-08-07 06:08 Logical2u Assigned To => Logical2u
2012-02-22 07:04 user6 Relationship added duplicate of 0003051
2012-02-22 07:05 user6 Relationship deleted 0002969