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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0003205Dwarf FortressDwarf Mode -- Tradepublic2014-08-19 08:46
ReporterSupermathie Assigned To 
PrioritynormalSeveritymajorReproducibilityhave not tried
Status newResolutionopen 
PlatformLinuxOSopenSuSEOS Version11.3
Product Version0.31.12 
Summary0003205: Mayor outraged for violating export restriction before it came into effect
DescriptionThe mayor had a prohibition against exporting Black Bronze items. No problem! I got rid of a bunch of random non-metal crafts and some hardware left from a nest of ant men. Wooden shields and the like.

After the merchants left, the mayor switched his prohibition to the exporting of shields. My only guess is that he remembered people had exported shields a while ago and suddenly I find twenty of my dwarves in prison! Some for up to 200 days - apparently they had brought two shields to the depot.

I can probably dig up a save if need be (i.e. if this sounds like it's totally out of left field)
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2010-09-11 10:24

reporter   ~0012584

It's always been this way.

If you're careful, you can avoid this by bringing all of your goods to the depot in bins and selling only the items inside the bins - the mandate issuer will still get an unhappy thought, but the game won't know who to punish (since technically only the bins were brought to the depot, not the items inside them).


2010-09-11 17:48

reporter   ~0012588

Always been this way? In that case, it's a bug.

Export restrictions being retroactive doesn't make any sense... how could you export anything at all?


2010-09-12 14:11

reporter   ~0012599

I can confirm this is the way it is, and has been. I also find it frustrating. Also, shouldn't the Elfs know if they are the ones who made the oak cage, so you can give it back to them without problems?


2010-09-23 12:14

reporter   ~0012925

Last edited: 2010-09-23 13:45

Oh, to be clear, this happened after the merchants left the *area*, not just the depot.


2012-05-04 16:19

reporter   ~0022431

This bug still exist in 34.07.


2012-05-14 10:15


Yeah, this has been around forever, but it's still a bug:
000130 □ [dwarf mode][nobles] export mandate violations occur even if they were made after the merchant leaves the depot


2014-08-19 08:46

reporter   ~0029305

Last edited: 2014-08-19 08:47

"Oh, to be clear, this happened after the merchants left the *area*, not just the depot."

Okay, THAT is new. You sure the entire caravan had left the map before the export ban went into effect? Just a split-second before the last guy leaves would likely still result in some dorf getting punished due to the long-standing issue, and not a new aspect of it.

"...hey waitaminute, come back with those you jerks! Why I oughta...that's it, all of you are fired! Or hammered! Or something!"

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Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2010-09-11 09:24 Supermathie New Issue
2010-09-11 10:24 Quietust Note Added: 0012584
2010-09-11 17:48 Supermathie Note Added: 0012588
2010-09-12 14:11 kwieland Note Added: 0012599
2010-09-23 12:14 Supermathie Note Added: 0012925
2010-09-23 13:45 Supermathie Note Edited: 0012925
2012-05-04 16:19 Kon Note Added: 0022431
2012-05-14 10:15 user6 Note Added: 0022488
2014-08-19 08:46 chaosvolt Note Added: 0029305
2014-08-19 08:47 chaosvolt Note Edited: 0029305