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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0003255Dwarf FortressDwarf Mode -- Moodspublic2010-09-16 21:00
Reportertcgiant Assigned ToLogical2u  
Status resolvedResolutionno change required 
Product Version0.31.13 
Summary0003255: Dwarves in moods do not collect any materials
DescriptionI've had three dwarves, including a child and two adults, go into moods, both secretive and possessed, claim workshops, and not gather any materials. All three workshops were different, and all had different demands, but even building stockpiles right on top of them doesn't help-- they don't gather materials.
Steps To ReproduceHave a dwarf go into a mood. Don't know what I'm doing wrong.
TagsNo tags attached.



2010-09-16 20:36

manager   ~0012728

1. Dwarves have a particular order for their demands.
2. Dwarves require exact matches to their demands.

Really without more information there's no way whether to tell if you're experiencing a bug or if it's just that you can't satisfy the requirements of their mood. Building a stockpile doesn't really do anything if the stockpile is for the wrong thing or you don't have the thing they need/want.


2010-09-16 20:44

reporter   ~0012730

The child is currently asking for cloth, rough gems, skeletons, and leather. I've got plenty of tanned hides, I stopped cutting gems immediately, and my refuse pile outside is quite full. If it's silk cloth they want, I'm afraid I can't provide. I'm pretty sure with the earlier dwarves who went mad, I had everything they wanted ahead of time.


2010-09-16 20:48

manager   ~0012731

Right. When dwarves ask for cloth, they can either mean plant or silk cloth. There is not always a way to tell between the two demands, which can result in annoying failed moods.

Does this explain your behaviour?


2010-09-16 20:55

reporter   ~0012732

It does. It just upsets me that a child has to die because of it. :(


2010-09-16 21:00

manager   ~0012733

Right then. Feel free to open a suggestion Re: Plant/Silk cloth differentiation, but for now I'll close this bug report...

Also, please reopen this if you get another mood that behaves in this way but it's not the plant/silk cloth thing. You can also PM me on the forums if you've got any other questions.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2010-09-16 20:31 tcgiant New Issue
2010-09-16 20:36 Logical2u Note Added: 0012728
2010-09-16 20:36 Logical2u Tag Attached: AWAITING UPDATE
2010-09-16 20:44 tcgiant Note Added: 0012730
2010-09-16 20:48 Logical2u Note Added: 0012731
2010-09-16 20:55 tcgiant Note Added: 0012732
2010-09-16 20:58 Logical2u Tag Detached: AWAITING UPDATE
2010-09-16 21:00 Logical2u Note Added: 0012733
2010-09-16 21:00 Logical2u Status new => resolved
2010-09-16 21:00 Logical2u Resolution open => no change required
2010-09-16 21:00 Logical2u Assigned To => Logical2u