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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0003456Dwarf FortressDwarf Mode -- Jobs, Animal Handlingpublic2010-11-07 10:45
Reporterbhaktivedanta Assigned ToLogical2u  
Status resolvedResolutionno change required 
PlatformIntel Core2 duoOSUbuntu 10.4 @64bitOS Version10.4
Product Version0.31.16 
Summary0003456: "Slaughtering" a dwarf insted of the designated animal.
DescriptionI just designated 2 Bulls for slaughter via the animals menu, as a fey dwarf was asking for body parts.
Soon after that (and before any bull was killed) a dwarf in a workshop got "struck down" for no reason whatsoever. (I cannot say whether it was the moment another dwarf caught one of the bulls, as I forgot to check.) Auto slaughter was switched on.
Steps To ReproduceI do remember the same thing happened once before, while a dwarf was in mood waiting for hides and I tried to butcher several animals at once.
Additional InformationAs I suspect a pointer issue, it might help to state that I am using the precompiled (32 bit?) Linux-Version from the Website. However, I did not have any other issues playing it on my 64bit Ubuntu.
TagsNo tags attached.



2010-10-23 07:14

reporter   ~0013478

Did you get dwarf meat and so on from it?


2010-10-23 08:41

manager   ~0013481

Are you sure it was a fey mood dwarf and not a fell mood dwarf?


2010-10-23 09:05

reporter   ~0013482

Are you certain that the dwarf death was not the result of Justice being served?


2010-10-24 06:49

reporter   ~0013492

I second Q, I bet Justice was involved here. Check the Justice tab under the z-status screen. My experience is that most beatings are deadly. See


2010-10-28 09:23

reporter   ~0013539

I may have been unclear, but the dwarf who died was not killed in the butcher shop but suddenly got "struck down" (thats the message text) for no appearant reason while working in his shop. I chose the headline because I had this incident twice with obvious temporal context to designating (more than one) animal for slaughter. Temporal context means less than 30 sec after i gave the slaughter order. I am sure that both times another dwarf was in fey mood (not fell), since that was the reason, I wanted to produce leather in the first place. I did not get any butchering products from the dead dwarf (no dwarf meat / skin or the like), just a mutilated corps (and possibly some separated parts, not sure) as from any killed dwarf. Justice was not involved since there was no justice system in place yet.
I should add for completeness, that both times I killed the df process without saving and restored from an older save. However I was inable to reproduce so far.

I suspect an issue with pointer arithmetic, as i am using the 32bit build on 64bit ubuntu. So if anybody with the same setup reads this, you could watch out for the same thing occuring.


2010-10-28 11:45

reporter   ~0013541

Did you check your Combat (r)eports? If your dwarf was involved in some sort of fight, they'd tell you exactly what happened.


2010-10-29 02:19

reporter   ~0013546

@Quietust: No I did not check combat reports. I was too upset at the moment it occured to think about that. I only checked the general event log, where it said he got struck down.
In general I cannot exclude it was a fight that killed the dwarf. I do consider it unlikely though, since happiness in my fort was all right for all dwarfs everytime i checked (and I do that quite regularly using dwarf therapist).
I can also say that no justice-related nobles were appointed at that time, let alone a guard squad. However, there might have been a production-mandate timed out.

It could also be related to my use of dwarf therapist with df. I had to build dwarf therapist linking against 32bit libs to make it work, because otherwise it does produce pointer-related crashes on commit. Dwarf therapist does not produce any crashes in my setup but currently does not show the current jobs correctly for all dwarfs, so that might be a hint and make this report invalid.

I am currently trying to reproduce that event by designating multiple animals for slaughter, so far without success. As soon as I can create the same defining contitions (fey dwarf asking for leather, no leather in stock and at least 2 animals for slaughter), I will clarify this.


2010-10-29 05:59

reporter   ~0013547

Check your gamelog.txt - it records every single announcement, including combat reports.


2010-10-29 10:36

reporter   ~0013549

The justice tab also keeps track of previous incidents. If they were punished, it would show up there. I think coincidence is not correlation, but as you say it could be.


2010-10-29 11:12

reporter   ~0013550

Ok, issue can be closed, here is one of the reports from gamelog.txt:
The Woodcutter hacks The Carpenter in the lower body with her (copper battle axe) and the severed part sails off in an arc!
Dastot Nishbal, Carpenter has been struck down.

A production mandate had failed before - the strange mood / slaughter events were in fact unrelated coincidences in both cases!
It seems, "justice" will be served by anybody if there is no guard in place yet.

Thanks to all for clearing this up and sorry for binding your resources.

Can be CLOSED.


2010-11-07 10:45

manager   ~0013663

Hopefully you had a sheriff, otherwise this is still kind of a strange occurence.

None-the-less, resolving on account of reporter request.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2010-10-23 04:30 bhaktivedanta New Issue
2010-10-23 07:14 jfs Note Added: 0013478
2010-10-23 08:41 Logical2u Note Added: 0013481
2010-10-23 08:41 Logical2u Tag Attached: AWAITING UPDATE
2010-10-23 09:05 Quietust Note Added: 0013482
2010-10-24 06:49 kwieland Note Added: 0013492
2010-10-28 09:23 bhaktivedanta Note Added: 0013539
2010-10-28 11:45 Quietust Note Added: 0013541
2010-10-29 02:19 bhaktivedanta Note Added: 0013546
2010-10-29 05:59 Quietust Note Added: 0013547
2010-10-29 10:36 kwieland Note Added: 0013549
2010-10-29 11:12 bhaktivedanta Note Added: 0013550
2010-11-07 10:45 Logical2u Note Added: 0013663
2010-11-07 10:45 Logical2u Status new => resolved
2010-11-07 10:45 Logical2u Resolution open => no change required
2010-11-07 10:45 Logical2u Assigned To => Logical2u
2010-11-07 10:45 Logical2u Tag Detached: AWAITING UPDATE