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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0004118Dwarf FortressCreaturespublic2012-03-26 13:41
ReporterDoctorZuber Assigned To 
PrioritynormalSeverityminorReproducibilityhave not tried
Status newResolutionopen 
PlatformPCOSWindows 7OS VersionMeh
Product Version0.31.19 
Summary0004118: Flame titan dives into murky pool, evaporates all the water, gets stuck
DescriptionUsna Zukodrukko
a great humanoid composed of flame. It has four long, straight horns an aura of giving and kindness.

It is also stuck in a murky pool. For some reason it dived straight in and more or less instantly evaporated the pool. After this it was unable to exit the dried up pool.

I left the beasty here for many many years before finally digging over and releasing it so that my soldiers could kill it.

Also despite being completely harmless and stuck, it still interrupted many tasks on the floor above for any dwarf that strayed near it.

Steps To ReproduceRandom. I suspect the mob had some strange combination of traits like swimming, and flaming which allowed it to enter the pool and then evaporate it.
TagsNo tags attached.



2011-03-04 18:32

reporter   ~0015738

Note, I do have a save if desired.


2011-03-05 01:48

reporter   ~0015744

Where is the bug?


2011-03-05 02:20

reporter   ~0015745

In the stupidity of the AI, perhaps?


2011-03-08 13:16

reporter   ~0015973

It's not an earth shattering problem, but I found it amusing. It's about as effective as invasions of goblins who's mounts promptly drown the entire army in your moat.

Simple enough. Monsters of living flame should probably be avoiding water, not diving into it the first chance they get.


2011-03-08 14:18

reporter   ~0015978

That, or the game should just make sure that all generated beasts made of flame are also given the ability to fly (which isn't particularly unreasonable).


2011-03-08 15:26

reporter   ~0015979

Wouldn't a magma titan presumably also do the same thing in water? And it would be too heavy to fly.

I don't see the bug. Looks like its working as intended.

Jiri Petru

2011-03-08 15:31

reporter   ~0015980

The pools should have ramps on their edges. Problem solved.


2011-03-08 19:15

reporter   ~0015985

Last edited: 2011-03-08 19:17

it's a bug, it's not a bug, I'll let others argue about it. I'm just reporting it.

Although I am a little concerned what happens when one hits the ocean. or a large underground lake. Will it drain the water badly enough to turn off the infinite water sources? If so I'm very much against it.


2012-03-26 13:38

reporter   ~0021761

Last edited: 2012-03-26 14:23

I think this shouldn't ever happen anymore, at least the getting stuck part, since water bodies were given ramps in 34.01.


2012-03-26 13:41


Still a concern for artifical bodies of water.

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Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2011-03-04 18:30 DoctorZuber New Issue
2011-03-04 18:32 DoctorZuber Note Added: 0015738
2011-03-04 23:13 user6 Summary Titan stuck in a murky pool => Flame titan dives into murky pool, evaporates all the water, gets stuck
2011-03-05 01:48 Kogut Note Added: 0015744
2011-03-05 02:20 Infiltrator Note Added: 0015745
2011-03-08 13:16 DoctorZuber Note Added: 0015973
2011-03-08 14:18 Quietust Note Added: 0015978
2011-03-08 15:26 hyndis Note Added: 0015979
2011-03-08 15:31 Jiri Petru Note Added: 0015980
2011-03-08 19:15 DoctorZuber Note Added: 0015985
2011-03-08 19:16 DoctorZuber Note Edited: 0015985
2011-03-08 19:17 DoctorZuber Note Edited: 0015985
2012-03-26 13:38 JasonMel Note Added: 0021761
2012-03-26 13:41 user6 Note Added: 0021762
2012-03-26 14:17 JasonMel Note Edited: 0021761
2012-03-26 14:18 JasonMel Note Edited: 0021761
2012-03-26 14:23 JasonMel Note Edited: 0021761