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ID | Project | Category | View Status | Date Submitted | Last Update |
0004151 | Dwarf Fortress | Vegetation | public | 2011-03-06 23:26 | 2011-03-27 02:01 |
Reporter | AbuDhabi | Assigned To | Toady One | ||
Priority | normal | Severity | minor | Reproducibility | have not tried |
Status | resolved | Resolution | fixed | ||
Platform | 32bit Linux | OS | Debian | OS Version | 6 |
Product Version | 0.31.21 | ||||
Fixed in Version | 0.31.24 | ||||
Summary | 0004151: Bamboo flickers because the ALT_PERIOD value isn't being defaulted properly | ||||
Description | Most of the time, bamboo looks like normal grass, but at odd intervals, in flickers as the "bent f" symbol. This only happens when the game is running, not when it is paused. Save is here: | ||||
Steps To Reproduce | 1. Load save. 2. Navigate to outdoors. 3. Wait a while looking at the grass. | ||||
Additional Information | This can be fixed by adding [ALT_PERIOD:1:0] to the bamboo raws, as described at 0004151:0015949. | ||||
Tags | No tags attached. | ||||
related to | 0004467 | new | GRASS_TILES is ignored when VARIED_GROUND_TILES option is set to NO |
Grass is supposed to flicker between tiles to simulate blowing in the wind or whatever. Do you have reason to believe that's not what you're seeing? |
I'm unsure. It's kinda annoying, since it's similar to an irregular strobe light. Best not look at it if you're epileptic. |
Bamboo does not have alt tiles the way the evil grasses do, so it shouldn't flicker that way. Furthermore, the crooked f and the tree sapling tiles should be the default tiles for bamboo, and not the standard grass tiles, but it flashes between both sets. It almost seems like there might be two sets of grasses on the tile, and the game can't decide which one to display. |
I'm seeing this flashing as well on Linux. I haven't seen any pandas yet, so I don't know whether the bamboo is functional as such. |
Likewise, seeing this on .20 on Linux (Ubuntu 10.10). Flickering is random between default grass tiles and bamboo. Very disconcerting, visually. |
are you sure this isn't just caused by a firefly or some similar critter? loo(k) closely. |
The flickering is on every single bamboo tile, doesn't move, happens every few ticks, and looks nothing like a vermin. |
Looking closely is how I determined it was bamboo in the first place. |
Imagine you're looking at a screen mostly full of grass tiles. There's a mixture of dark green and bright green, mostly dark green, plus your typical gray/red/brown tiles for non-grass, etc. Now imagine fully half of the dark green tiles flashing BRIGHT GREEN for about a tenth of a second, and then going back to dark green. Over and over. It's actually not that predictable. Sometimes it doesn't flash at all. Other times it stays bright green for a second or two before going back, rather than strobe-lighting. I can live with it, but I could easily see how others could be disturbed by it. Easiest workaround, of course, is not to spend much time looking at grassy areas. |
humm... I don't have bamboo on my map that I know of, I did notice a similar flickering effect which turned out to be a particularly active firefly. It was not fully half the tiles however. |
It's possible that all types of grass are causing this sort of flickering, except we never notice because almost every type of grass looks exactly the same. [edit] I've just confirmed that all types of grass are displaying the ALT_GRASS_TILES values by default (which are seemingly being initialized to the standard characters); presumably, they are occasionally flickering back to the GRASS_TILES values every so often, and the initial values in memory for ALT_PERIOD are determining exactly how often this happens (if they're both 0, then they stay on the alt tiles forever). |
Could you clarify where you're seeing the [ALT_GRASS_TILES] and [ALT_PERIOD] tags? I took a quick look at the raw files and didn't see anything like this. |
ALT_GRASS_TILES and ALT_PERIOD are normally only used with "wormy tendrils" and "staring eyeballs", the [EVIL] grasses, but if you don't specify them, the game uses default values instead - specifically, it uses "."/","/"`"/"'" for ALT_GRASS_TILES and presumably uninitialized memory for ALT_PERIOD. If the first value for ALT_PERIOD happens to be greater than the second value, then the grass will occasionally flicker between the normal grass tiles and the alt tiles, but since only bamboo and bubble bulbs use non-default tiles, those are the only ones you'll ever notice. If you add the token [ALT_PERIOD:x:0] (where "x" is any number greater than zero) to every single type of grass (except for the ones that already have it, of course), then they'll display using the proper tiles. |
Confirmed fix above. Adding [ALT_PERIOD:0:0] in the raw/objects/plant_grasses.txt for bamboos caused them to stop flickering and remain visible constantly. Much less epileptic-esque now. |
takaratiki: do the bamboos show up as .,`' or as ƒτƒτ? If the former, then you should change it to [ALT_PERIOD:1:0] since they're supposed to show up as ƒτƒτ. |
[ALT_PERIOD:1:0] also eliminated the flashing for me. |
Using a large number (e.g. [ALT_PERIOD:1000:0]) might give marginally improved performance. |
The ALT_PERIOD value was being defaulted, but there was a local variable that wasn't, and that tends to act up more on linux (as with the kill order crash, I wasn't seeing this on Windows, though it could also happen there). It should be fine now, hopefully. |
Date Modified | Username | Field | Change |
2011-03-06 23:26 | AbuDhabi | New Issue | |
2011-03-07 00:29 |
Note Added: 0015879 | |
2011-03-07 00:29 |
Tag Attached: AWAITING UPDATE | |
2011-03-07 00:31 | AbuDhabi | Note Added: 0015880 | |
2011-03-07 05:40 |
Note Added: 0015888 | |
2011-03-07 07:51 | greycat | Note Added: 0015895 | |
2011-03-07 09:35 | takaratiki | Note Added: 0015899 | |
2011-03-07 14:42 | DoctorZuber | Note Added: 0015927 | |
2011-03-07 15:01 |
Note Added: 0015928 | |
2011-03-07 15:26 | AbuDhabi | Note Added: 0015929 | |
2011-03-07 16:00 | greycat | Note Added: 0015931 | |
2011-03-07 16:54 | DoctorZuber | Note Added: 0015934 | |
2011-03-07 20:34 | Quietust | Note Added: 0015937 | |
2011-03-07 20:47 |
Tag Detached: AWAITING UPDATE | |
2011-03-07 21:05 | Quietust | Note Edited: 0015937 | |
2011-03-07 21:05 | Quietust | Note Edited: 0015937 | |
2011-03-07 23:57 | DoctorZuber | Note Added: 0015942 | |
2011-03-08 05:53 | Quietust | Note Added: 0015949 | |
2011-03-08 05:59 | Quietust | Note Edited: 0015949 | |
2011-03-08 05:59 | Quietust | Note Edited: 0015949 | |
2011-03-08 08:56 | takaratiki | Note Added: 0015958 | |
2011-03-08 09:32 | Quietust | Note Added: 0015962 | |
2011-03-10 07:15 | greycat | Note Added: 0016043 | |
2011-03-10 07:33 |
Tag Attached: Probable Quick Fix | |
2011-03-10 07:33 |
Tag Detached: Probable Quick Fix | |
2011-03-10 07:38 |
Summary | Bamboo flickers => Bamboo flickers because the ALT_PERIOD value isn't being defaulted properly |
2011-03-10 07:50 | Quietust | Note Added: 0016046 | |
2011-03-10 07:52 | Quietust | Note Edited: 0016046 | |
2011-03-26 13:09 |
Additional Information Updated | |
2011-03-27 02:01 | Toady One | Note Added: 0016658 | |
2011-03-27 02:01 | Toady One | Status | new => resolved |
2011-03-27 02:01 | Toady One | Fixed in Version | => 51.06 |
2011-03-27 02:01 | Toady One | Resolution | open => fixed |
2011-03-27 02:01 | Toady One | Assigned To | => Toady One |
2011-04-07 16:12 |
Relationship added | related to 0004467 |