View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0004173Dwarf FortressDwarf Mode -- Interface, Stockspublic2012-02-25 12:17
ReporterRossM Assigned ToToady One  
PrioritynormalSeverityminorReproducibilityhave not tried
Status resolvedResolutionfixed 
Product Version0.31.21 
Fixed in Version0.34.03 
Summary0004173: Kaolinite is not listed as economic stone, despite being used for porcelain
DescriptionNow that kaolinite is used to make valuable porcelain, it seems like it should be classified as an economic stone.
TagsNo tags attached.


has duplicate 0005266 resolvedLogical2u Kaolinite can't be preserved for pottery in z->stone 
related to 0005286 resolvedToady One Some stone types cannot be disabled in z-stones menu 



2012-02-02 08:17

reporter   ~0019453

Presumably, the Z-Stones screen is only checking for stones with a REACTION_CLASS (in addition to reactions which use the material directly) and is neglecting to include ones with a MATERIAL_REACTION_PRODUCT.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2011-03-08 23:39 RossM New Issue
2011-03-09 08:34 user6 Summary Kaolinite is not listed as economic stone => Kaolinite is not listed as economic stone, despite being used for porcelain
2011-03-09 08:34 user6 Tag Attached: Intentional/Expected?
2012-02-02 08:17 Quietust Note Added: 0019453
2012-02-18 09:33 Logical2u Relationship added has duplicate 0005266
2012-02-18 09:48 user6 Tag Detached: Intentional/Expected?
2012-02-18 19:57 Logical2u Relationship added child of 0005286
2012-02-18 19:57 Logical2u Relationship replaced has duplicate 0005286
2012-02-19 08:16 user6 Relationship replaced related to 0005286
2012-02-25 12:17 user6 Status new => resolved
2012-02-25 12:17 user6 Fixed in Version => 51.06
2012-02-25 12:17 user6 Resolution open => fixed
2012-02-25 12:17 user6 Assigned To => Toady One