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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0005048Dwarf FortressAdventure Mode -- Conversationpublic2014-07-09 18:12
Reporterpilgrimboy Assigned ToToady One  
Status resolvedResolutionfixed 
PlatformPCOSWindows 7OS VersionHome Premium SP1
Product Version0.34.01 
Fixed in Version0.34.02 
Summary0005048: Crash when greeting/talking to villager (access violation)
DescriptionFirst action in a new game in adventure mode. I go to greet a person in the house next to where I start, and the game crashes. Reproduced the crash three times.
Steps To ReproduceLoad game. Open door. Greet Lar Thilikamca, the great game crasher. I hate Lar.
Additional Information.
Tags0.34.01, crash


has duplicate 0005049 resolveduser1294 Adventure Mode Crash 
has duplicate 0005085 resolveduser6 Adventure mode crashes upon beginning a conversation 
has duplicate 0005093 resolveduser6 select villager with k, select "greet", game crash 
has duplicate 0005233 resolvedLogical2u Crash when trying to talk. 



2012-02-14 02:17

reporter   ~0019495

I reproduced it two more times with two other villagers. So it isn't just Lar. But I still hate him.


2012-02-14 02:39

reporter   ~0019496

In the first wolrd I genned, I tried with 3 adventurers with 3 different people. All crashed. I dind't have this problem in another world I generated.


2012-02-14 04:35

reporter   ~0019500

Happening on Linux as well. Would a save file be helpful?


2012-02-14 05:05


Reminder sent to: pilgrimboy, runiq

It would probably help for Toady to have at least one save, yes.


2012-02-14 05:30

reporter   ~0019505


2012-02-14 05:44

reporter   ~0019506

And mine:


2012-02-14 07:24

reporter   ~0019514

Last edited: 2012-02-14 07:26

Crash confirmed on Mac OS X 10.7.3 as well. Talked to the first person I see, the standard conversation screen is displayed then crash without any additional action.


2012-02-14 10:08

reporter   ~0019532

Happens on mine too on my Mac, OS 10.6.8.


2012-02-14 12:10

reporter   ~0019539

Last edited: 2012-02-14 14:25

Same here, tried genning another work, no help. Segfaults whenever talking to someone and choosing "greet" (not on "nevermind"). Ubuntu Linux, 64 bit.

EDIT: A goblin chieftain boasting did not crash.

EDIT: Aaaand third time's the charm. Genned another world, and this time the bug appears to be absent.


2012-02-14 12:49

reporter   ~0019543

After two worlds with this issue, I just genned another world and the issue is gone. Greeting people works now, albeit there's a bit of a delay before the rest of the dialog options appear.


2012-02-14 13:17

reporter   ~0019548

Everytime I "Greet" someone in the talk menu, the game freezes. I'm using Windows 7.

I'll try genning another world. That seems to have helped some people.


2012-02-14 13:23

reporter   ~0019550

Created a second world. The bug isn't present in the new world.


2012-02-14 14:33

reporter   ~0019553

First world I generated has this problem too. Hoping I can generate a world without the bug soon, as it takes about 30 minutes per.


2012-02-14 17:39

reporter   ~0019577

I have this problem too. I have created 2 worlds and adventurer in each of them and it always happens. The crash doesn't seem related to TrueType as it happens even with TRUETYPE:NO.


2012-02-14 21:37

reporter   ~0019598

My bugged save as well:


2012-02-14 22:11

reporter   ~0019600

Very easy to reproduce, without modifications to init file.


2012-02-14 22:33

reporter   ~0019603

Last edited: 2012-02-14 22:33

I got this bug too. Vanilla SDL on Windows 7.


2012-02-15 01:38

reporter   ~0019609

Got this crash as well on the first three worlds I created. On the fourth one I used a pretty low number of years in the worldgen (50, as opposed to e.g. 250 on one of the others) and didn't get a crash when talking to villagers. Not sure if there's a relation between years of history and crashes happening.


2012-02-15 03:42

reporter   ~0019615

I get this crash if I try to talk as well. I'm using Mac OS 5.8


2012-02-15 06:10

reporter   ~0019623

I noticed that when you select to talk to someone, the DF memory usage starts rapidly growing. At one occasion the DF process memory usage was almost exactly 2GB when it crashed, which would suggest that crash happens because of running out of memory. In another try, it crashed at about 1.7GB DF memory usage, which is also pretty close.
This would also explain why smaller worlds don't crash, as smaller world means less memory usage at start, and also less when it peeks the moment you talk. If total memory usage at the peek is less than 2GB then it could have chance of not crashing.
Still the question is why it eats so much memory when you start the talk, is it a bug, or just a necessity because of amount of data in the world.


2012-02-15 11:25

reporter   ~0019652

Last edited: 2012-02-15 11:25

I watched my DF memory usage with the task manager under Win7-64bit and it was still at 700 MB before and at the moment I Greet the trader (or other people) and it crashed.

My savegame is here:


2012-02-15 14:04

reporter   ~0019678

In the savegame above I had a relative long world generation time (somewhere after year 200 it needs significant longer for one year step).
Thereafter I created a new world with short history and small was generated with light speed. And no crashes with Greetings.

On my other computer I generate a medium map with medium history and the first years of generation were fast but somewhere after year 200 it takes loooong to step further. After 2 1/2 hours and year 234 I wanted to abort but my keypress wasn't recognized. After 4 hours it was finally finished.
Then I start with an adventurer and tried to Greet crashed.

So perhaps there is some junction between the long world generation part and talking to people. Perhaps something with the history?


2012-02-15 14:30


That's probably enough savegames for Toady to fix the problem. Thanks all!


2012-02-15 16:01

reporter   ~0019707

Confirmed. I downloaded 34.01 yesterday and played no problem.
Then I generated a new region today and it started crashing upon 'Greet'ing anyone. Regenerated the region two more times, same thing.


2012-02-15 21:58

reporter   ~0019744

I am also seeing this issue. Windows 7, 2D

Toady One

2012-02-16 16:29

administrator   ~0019855

This is sorted out for next time. I think it had to do with bandits living in ruins. There was also a 14 second or so delay in talking to people in longer history/larger worlds which I've managed to mostly eliminate.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2012-02-14 02:10 pilgrimboy New Issue
2012-02-14 02:17 pilgrimboy Note Added: 0019495
2012-02-14 02:39 thvaz Note Added: 0019496
2012-02-14 02:56 user1294 Relationship added has duplicate 0005049
2012-02-14 04:35 runiq Note Added: 0019500
2012-02-14 05:04 user6 Summary Crash when greeting villager => Crash when greeting villager (access violation)
2012-02-14 05:05 user6 Summary Crash when greeting villager (access violation) => Crash when talking to villager (access violation)
2012-02-14 05:05 user6 Note Added: 0019501
2012-02-14 05:30 pilgrimboy Note Added: 0019505
2012-02-14 05:44 runiq Note Added: 0019506
2012-02-14 07:24 ulf_fenrir Note Added: 0019514
2012-02-14 07:26 ulf_fenrir Note Edited: 0019514
2012-02-14 10:08 sunfire1226 Note Added: 0019532
2012-02-14 12:10 Jotwebe Note Added: 0019539
2012-02-14 12:49 runiq Note Added: 0019543
2012-02-14 13:17 Iapetus144 Note Added: 0019548
2012-02-14 13:23 Iapetus144 Note Added: 0019550
2012-02-14 14:09 Jotwebe Note Edited: 0019539
2012-02-14 14:25 Jotwebe Note Edited: 0019539
2012-02-14 14:33 Stromko Note Added: 0019553
2012-02-14 17:39 Rafal99 Note Added: 0019577
2012-02-14 18:18 user6 Relationship added has duplicate 0005085
2012-02-14 20:03 user6 Summary Crash when talking to villager (access violation) => Crash when greeting/talking to villager (access violation)
2012-02-14 20:03 user6 Relationship added has duplicate 0005093
2012-02-14 20:04 user6 Sticky Issue No => Yes
2012-02-14 21:18 Determination Tag Attached: 0.34.01
2012-02-14 21:18 Determination Tag Attached: crash
2012-02-14 21:37 Determination Note Added: 0019598
2012-02-14 22:11 OhCrap Note Added: 0019600
2012-02-14 22:33 sylverone Note Added: 0019603
2012-02-14 22:33 sylverone Note Edited: 0019603
2012-02-15 01:38 RiceMunk Note Added: 0019609
2012-02-15 03:42 rowanas Note Added: 0019615
2012-02-15 06:10 Rafal99 Note Added: 0019623
2012-02-15 11:25 HopFlash Note Added: 0019652
2012-02-15 11:25 HopFlash Note Edited: 0019652
2012-02-15 14:04 HopFlash Note Added: 0019678
2012-02-15 14:30 user6 Note Added: 0019684
2012-02-15 16:01 sektor666 Note Added: 0019707
2012-02-15 21:58 lightman Note Added: 0019744
2012-02-16 13:49 Silicoid Tag Attached: mummy
2012-02-16 13:49 Silicoid Tag Attached: undead
2012-02-16 13:49 Silicoid Tag Detached: undead
2012-02-16 13:49 Silicoid Tag Detached: mummy
2012-02-16 16:29 Toady One Note Added: 0019855
2012-02-16 16:29 Toady One Status new => resolved
2012-02-16 16:29 Toady One Fixed in Version => 51.06
2012-02-16 16:29 Toady One Resolution open => fixed
2012-02-16 16:29 Toady One Assigned To => Toady One
2012-02-17 13:33 Logical2u Relationship added has duplicate 0005233
2012-03-02 17:35 user11 Sticky Issue Yes => No