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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0005328Dwarf FortressDwarf Mode -- Immigrationpublic2012-02-24 03:50
ReporterSowelu Assigned ToToady One  
PrioritynormalSeveritymajorReproducibilityhave not tried
Status resolvedResolutionfixed 
Product Version0.34.02 
Fixed in Version0.34.03 
Summary0005328: Ghosts can immigrate from past fortresses
DescriptionNot sure if this ghost came from A) my slaughtered settlements in a haunted region, or B) from my abandoned fortress that was half-dead of dehydration... but a ghost just showed up in my first immigrant wave.

It was definitely one of mine; it still had a nickname I'd given it.
Steps To ReproduceNo idea.
Additional InformationHe did the whole "flashing X immigrant" thing, then sat at the edge of the map. He shows up as "Other", not as one of my dwarves, AND also shows up as "Dead/Missing". I can't give him labors or anything out of the ordinary. He is wearing immigrant equipment, if that's weird.

Building a coffin (not a slab) caused him to claim it.

He was the ONLY immigrant in his wave, and after a full season, still hasn't gone away. The next immigrant wave entered through a different border and proceeded as normal.
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2012-02-19 23:53

reporter   ~0020233

I think that problem is "immigrant ghosts are broken" rather than "Ghosts can immigrate" (awesome!).


2012-02-23 11:28

reporter   ~0020558

I can confirm this bug. I also have a ghostly immigrant who migrated alone. I don't think that this is supposed to be immigration, as this is a ghost I have already lain to rest once in this fortress.

She used to be a forlorn haunt, I gave her a coffin, she vanished, a Minotaur destroyed the coffin, I didn't get around to replacing it, and now she's immigrating as a murderous ghost. Also, I never managed to retrieve her body from the underground lake she fell in during some construction work, so that may have something to do with it.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2012-02-19 23:40 Sowelu New Issue
2012-02-19 23:53 Kogut Note Added: 0020233
2012-02-23 11:28 Veylon Note Added: 0020558
2012-02-23 13:24 user6 Summary Ghosts can immigrate => Ghosts can immigrate from past fortresses
2012-02-24 03:50 Toady One Status new => resolved
2012-02-24 03:50 Toady One Fixed in Version => 51.06
2012-02-24 03:50 Toady One Resolution open => fixed
2012-02-24 03:50 Toady One Assigned To => Toady One