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ID | Project | Category | View Status | Date Submitted | Last Update |
0005356 | Dwarf Fortress | Undeath | public | 2012-02-21 01:10 | 2017-11-20 14:03 |
Reporter | HollowClown | Assigned To | Toady One | ||
Priority | normal | Severity | minor | Reproducibility | always |
Status | resolved | Resolution | duplicate | ||
Platform | Linux | ||||
Product Version | 0.34.02 | ||||
Fixed in Version | 0.44.01 | ||||
Summary | 0005356: Undead tissues (hair, feathers, fur) attack but cannot be hit | ||||
Description | Shortly after embarking in a terrifying biome, I slaughtered a yak cow in a butcher shop. Immediately after, the undead 'yak cow hair' rose from the butcher shop. Inspection of the yak cow hair suggests that it is being treated as a normal undead yak that is missing all its body parts except for the hair. Savescumming and butchering a llama in place of the yak led to undead llama hair. In all honesty, I'm rather enjoying trying to visualize what an attack by undead yak cow hair would look like. The mental image manages to be both nightmarish and absurd. | ||||
Steps To Reproduce | 1. Embark in terrifying biome. 2. Butcher hairy animal. 3. Wait for hair to rise as undead. | ||||
Additional Information | I suspect this is a relative of the issue in 0005139 with the undead mussel shells -- the same map with the undead yak cow hair also has a few undead 'Giant Thrips Chitin' running around, so this seems like a general issue with inappropriate tissue layers being raised. | ||||
Tags | hair, Intentional/Expected?, necromancy, reanimation, remains, undead, zombies | ||||
related to | 0005139 | new | Fish cleaners getting interrupted by undead mussel shells | |
related to | 0000787 | confirmed | Small animals and reanimated body parts can't be hit -- "the attack passes right through" | |
has duplicate | 0005651 | resolved | Necromances raise byproducts of butchery, many parts invincible. | |
has duplicate | 0005672 | resolved | Fighting off deadly resurrected fingers, skin, ect | |
has duplicate | 0008130 | resolved | Indestructible undead body part becomes a trap of slow and painful death | |
has duplicate | 0008298 | resolved | Combat Bug - Camel Hair is Indestructible | |
has duplicate | 0008778 | resolved | undead llama wool |
I had undead wool appear in 34.01. I nearly hit the floor laughing! |
This happened to me in 34.05 just today; the difference is that rather than have the hair bring itself to life, it was brought to life in the midst of an undead siege. Mussel shells were also raised. Hair and hooves in a trading depot underground were not disturbed. Save uploaded to |
I was carrying around the feathers of a Roc I killed in adventure mode (because why not) until I encountered a mummy in a tomb who raised it as a [Roc's name]'s Undead Feathers. As far as I remember, the feathers actually had a head, an upper and lower body and wings (probably because that's where you find them), but any attempts at striking it with my scimitar passed straigth through it and all my kicks and punches glanced away. I can't say that I dislike the idea of a bird-shaped mass of feathers trying to suffocate you or whatnot (I was a vampire, so it didn't try to attack me and I don't know how effective it would be), although it would be nice if it was possible to kill. |
As per Toady's post today, it's intentional for hair (and probably feathers) to reanimate: If it's impossible to hit them, that's a problem. More corroboration on that aspect would be helpful, as that's the only thing keeping this report open. |
Do furry creatures generate a skin when butchered? Maybe this hair is just badly named, and it should be "pelt" instead - skin and fur. It wouldn't be weirder than a hollow skin at least. |
They generate both skin and hair, they're different material layers. |
This is still an issue as of 40.10 It is definitely impossible to hit them - small enough reanimated tissues, at least. It was possible for my dwarves to kill a reanimated horse hair, very easily - but a horse *head* hair is impossible to hit. It appears to be unable to successfully hit dwarves. Even when the hair succeedes in a push, it doesn't have enough mass to do anything. So they are locked in combat, missing every single hit, forever. Dwarves gain a ludicrous amount of combat experience from this type of fighting. I started this reddit thread before looking for a relevant bug report; Here's a sample of a combat log; There's no way that this is the intended behavior of undead tissues. |
So it would appear that there is really just one/two? bug(s) here: the one where creatures can't damage things that are much less massive than them. (00787) The horse-shaped hair layer is butchered away, and inherits the tokens that make it raisable, just as the skin does. That seems to be intended for the skin at least and delightfully creepy either way. Then when the hairbeast is dismembered further they pass some critical threshold where they are too light to damage, which causes problems.. |
ZzarkLinux posted saves at 0008298. |
I just had this happen to me, but eventually the yak hair died. I think it was from a war dog biting it... No, my zombies just sometimes "deanimate" after receiving a bit of damage. Weird. |
Any update on this? Dwarf Fortress zombie-armageddon games are a unique and fun feature, so I'm surprised this hasn't changed. I stopped gaming a year ago, but this feature discourages zombie embarks; once the first un-hittable thing reanimates and aggros your dwarves then it hurts the replayability. |
Yeah, I am surprised this is still unresolved, and also that it's marked as 'minor'...I mean, it isn't completely gamebreaking, if you aren't in a reanimating biome. But if you are, it *is* completely gamebreaking. This should be marked as 'major'. Its severity is greater than many of the other issues marked as 'major'. 0000797, pet pathing through locked doors causing lag, is marked as major. That one doesn't even break any part of the game, it just causes lag. This one completely breaks a huge, and fun, part of the game - playing near the reanimated dead. It's just impossible to do right now. |
1) "severity" by itself is not used when queuing bugs for fixing, so it can be filled with what the original reporter thought was appropriate in that time 2) Currently are developers adding new features. According to devlog it seems this part may end soon and there is surely be several runs of bugfixing once this group of features is completed. |
Just encountered this bug in 0.42.02, with a necromancer-raised goblin head. Save here: |
I fixed a related issue and that allowed me to put down various undead hair creatures. But it's possible there are other forms. When 0.44+ drops, we can reevaluate. |
Date Modified | Username | Field | Change |
2012-02-21 01:10 | HollowClown | New Issue | |
2012-02-21 01:23 |
Tag Attached: Intentional/Expected? | |
2012-02-21 01:40 | kingpeonidas | Tag Attached: bald | |
2012-02-21 01:42 | kingpeonidas | Tag Attached: hair | |
2012-02-21 01:42 | kingpeonidas | Tag Attached: necromancy | |
2012-02-21 03:57 | Andrakon | Note Added: 0020350 | |
2012-03-08 15:08 | h-land | Note Added: 0021275 | |
2012-03-08 15:33 |
Relationship added | related to 0005139 |
2012-03-09 02:37 | Teddy | Note Added: 0021301 | |
2012-03-13 08:48 |
Note Added: 0021443 | |
2012-03-13 08:50 |
Tag Attached: AWAITING UPDATE | |
2012-03-13 12:47 | thvaz | Note Added: 0021446 | |
2012-03-13 12:47 | thvaz | Note Edited: 0021446 | |
2012-03-13 13:51 | Kumquat | Note Added: 0021450 | |
2012-03-15 19:58 | Logical2u | Relationship added | parent of 0005651 |
2012-03-16 07:49 |
Relationship replaced | has duplicate 0005651 |
2012-03-18 06:36 | Logical2u | Relationship added | parent of 0005672 |
2012-03-19 06:49 |
Relationship replaced | has duplicate 0005672 |
2013-09-23 09:24 |
Summary | Undead hair rises from butcher shop => Undead tissues (hair, feathers, fur) attack but cannot be hit |
2014-01-21 19:04 |
Relationship added | related to 0000787 |
2014-01-21 19:04 |
Relationship replaced | duplicate of 0000787 |
2014-01-21 19:04 |
Status | new => resolved |
2014-01-21 19:04 |
Resolution | open => duplicate |
2014-01-21 19:04 |
Assigned To | => user6 |
2014-08-04 15:01 |
Tag Detached: AWAITING UPDATE | |
2014-08-23 19:55 |
Status | resolved => confirmed |
2014-08-23 19:55 |
Relationship replaced | related to 0000787 |
2014-08-23 19:55 |
Relationship added | has duplicate 0008130 |
2014-08-29 22:10 | carbohydrates | Note Added: 0029787 | |
2014-08-29 22:14 | carbohydrates | Note Edited: 0029787 | |
2014-08-29 22:15 | carbohydrates | Note Edited: 0029787 | |
2014-08-29 22:23 | carbohydrates | Tag Attached: [equips] | |
2014-08-29 22:23 | carbohydrates | Tag Attached: horrified | |
2014-08-29 22:23 | carbohydrates | Tag Attached: not fixed | |
2014-08-29 22:23 | carbohydrates | Tag Attached: reanimation | |
2014-08-29 22:23 | carbohydrates | Tag Attached: remains | |
2014-08-29 22:23 | carbohydrates | Tag Attached: soldier | |
2014-08-29 22:23 | carbohydrates | Tag Attached: still happens | |
2014-08-29 22:23 | carbohydrates | Tag Attached: undead | |
2014-08-29 22:23 | carbohydrates | Tag Attached: zombie | |
2014-08-29 22:23 | carbohydrates | Tag Attached: zombies | |
2014-08-30 15:44 | Agent_Irons | Note Added: 0029813 | |
2014-09-14 17:41 |
Relationship added | has duplicate 0008298 |
2014-09-14 17:41 |
Note Added: 0030193 | |
2015-02-01 04:49 |
Relationship added | has duplicate 0008778 |
2015-02-01 08:33 | lethosor | Tag Detached: not fixed | |
2015-02-01 08:34 | lethosor | Tag Detached: still happens | |
2015-02-01 08:37 | lethosor | Tag Detached: bald | |
2015-02-01 08:37 | lethosor | Tag Detached: [equips] | |
2015-02-01 08:38 | lethosor | Tag Detached: horrified | |
2015-02-01 08:38 | lethosor | Tag Detached: soldier | |
2015-02-01 08:38 | lethosor | Tag Detached: zombie | |
2015-03-01 19:08 | jwoodward48df | Note Added: 0032299 | |
2015-08-16 10:52 | ZzarkLinux | Note Added: 0032965 | |
2015-08-30 11:02 | carbohydrates | Note Added: 0033012 | |
2015-08-31 14:42 |
Note Added: 0033019 | |
2015-12-10 13:13 | mispy | Note Added: 0033738 | |
2017-11-20 14:03 | Toady One | Note Added: 0036901 | |
2017-11-20 14:03 | Toady One | Status | confirmed => resolved |
2017-11-20 14:03 | Toady One | Fixed in Version | => 51.06 |
2017-11-20 14:03 | Toady One | Assigned To | user6 => Toady One |