View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0005599Dwarf FortressLegends Mode -- Map Exportpublic2012-03-27 03:53
ReporterIzome Assigned ToToady One  
Status resolvedResolutionfixed 
Product Version0.34.05 
Fixed in Version0.34.07 
Summary0005599: Crash when exporting detailed map in legends mode
DescriptionDF crashes each time a detailed map is exported from this save. Save was generated in 34.05 and has not been played in dwarf or adventure mode.
Steps To ReproduceLoad save in legends mode. press "d" to export map, chose to export "standard biome + site map". Game crashes at 72 done each time.
Additional Informationsave at
TagsNo tags attached.



2012-03-10 07:22

reporter   ~0021331

I have the same issue in my current world.
Only "Standard biome+site map" and "Structures/fields/roads/etc." export options crash. All others don't.
So crash seems to be related to sites and structures.


2012-03-10 07:44


Reminder sent to: Izome

Are you using PRINT_MODE:TEXT? If so, this is 0005127.


2012-03-10 13:39

reporter   ~0021341

I have this bug, as well, and [PRINT_MODE:2D] is set.

This is the only version I have had this problem occur (although I didn't generate any worlds in .34.04). I always generate these maps for use with Legends Viewer, and I always leave PRINT_MODE at 2D.


2012-03-11 19:29


OS information is always helpful for crashes.


2012-03-11 22:35

reporter   ~0021396

Last edited: 2012-03-13 14:51

Windows Vista Service Pack 2 for me.

In a medium world, 405 years (interrupted out of 500), with 30 civs.


2012-03-13 12:51

reporter   ~0021449

Last edited: 2012-03-13 13:00

I have had this bug, but only (that I recall) in very small (pocket) worlds with very large numbers (100) of civilizations.

Running DF 0.34.05 (Some modding) on Ubuntu Linux 10.04 (Lucid) on a Lenovo W500.

Toady One

2012-03-27 03:53

administrator   ~0021786

Sites on the edge of the world map could cause crashes. It'll work for next time.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2012-03-10 07:16 Izome New Issue
2012-03-10 07:22 Rafal99 Note Added: 0021331
2012-03-10 07:44 user6 Note Added: 0021333
2012-03-10 07:45 user6 Tag Attached: AWAITING UPDATE
2012-03-10 13:39 NW_Kohaku Note Added: 0021341
2012-03-11 19:29 user6 Note Added: 0021390
2012-03-11 22:35 NW_Kohaku Note Added: 0021396
2012-03-13 12:51 Radiant_Phoenix Note Added: 0021449
2012-03-13 13:00 Radiant_Phoenix Note Edited: 0021449
2012-03-13 13:00 Radiant_Phoenix Note Edited: 0021449
2012-03-13 14:51 NW_Kohaku Note Edited: 0021396
2012-03-19 07:05 user6 Tag Detached: AWAITING UPDATE
2012-03-27 03:53 Toady One Note Added: 0021786
2012-03-27 03:53 Toady One Status new => resolved
2012-03-27 03:53 Toady One Fixed in Version => 51.06
2012-03-27 03:53 Toady One Resolution open => fixed
2012-03-27 03:53 Toady One Assigned To => Toady One