View Issue Details
ID | Project | Category | View Status | Date Submitted | Last Update |
0005732 | Dwarf Fortress | World Generation -- General | public | 2012-03-30 17:00 | 2014-07-18 16:51 |
Reporter | the_game_hunt | Assigned To | Toady One | ||
Priority | low | Severity | major | Reproducibility | always |
Status | resolved | Resolution | fixed | ||
Platform | Windows | ||||
Product Version | 0.34.07 | ||||
Fixed in Version | 0.40.04 | ||||
Summary | 0005732: Site finder doesn't see flux/coal if metal ores are present | ||||
Description | When you want to play dwarf mode, and select flux stone on site finder, the area is marked as not having flux stone. However after embark the first stone layer is limestone. | ||||
Steps To Reproduce | 1. Generate new world 2. use the site finder and search for flux stone 3. all the map is goind to be marked without flux | ||||
Additional Information | I dont know if i need to upload save, all world i generate appears to have this on all maps See 0005732:0023983 for a likely solution. | ||||
Tags | binary patch, site finder | ||||
related to | 0002440 | resolved | Toady One | Flux is ignored in the Site Finder |
has duplicate | 0005885 | resolved | Site finder can't find flux | |
has duplicate | 0006024 | resolved | Searching for Flux via "Find desired location" on world with minerals set to "everywhere" | |
has duplicate | 0004425 | resolved | No lignite or bioluminous coal | |
has duplicate | 0007241 | resolved | Finder cannot find flux stone | |
related to | 0004451 | resolved | Site finder ignores flux/soil depth without warning. Low evil =/= good |
Limestone is a flux stone, so the site finder seems to be correct. |
It says the map HASNT any flux stone. However after embark the first stone layer IS limestone. |
Reminder sent to: dree12 Tags like Intentional/Expected are for manager use only. |
I've attempted to clarify the description. Need info about whether other people can reproduce this. |
(Sorry about the Intentional/Expected thing, it isn't documented or enforced anywhere and I've used it in the past.) I still don't quite understand the steps to reproduce: it sounds like one should select Flux stone: NO on the site finder, and be able to find a site without flux - but the site still has flux? |
Exactly. |
I just fired up DF 0.34.07 for the first time. After generating 5 worlds, I have yet to encounter a world that has flux stone in it, according to the site finder. I have not embarked to determine whether or not flux stone actually exists in the world, but considering I've generated several large worlds with minerals set to "Everywhere" I think it's reasonable to expect that there be some flux stone somewhere. Regardless, the site finder always indicates that there is none. |
minerals set to "Everywhere" may result in killing flux as flux is not a ore |
Perhaps the finder is indicating flux deposits but not flux layers? If Kogut is correct and minerals "Everywhere" kills off flux deposits then the only flux available would be where it forms a whole layer. |
Somebody posted on forums that his/her world returned 0 hits for places with flux and 0 hits for places without flux. |
Had that bug too. Site finder => Flux: Yes, No Match Site finder => Flux: No, No Match DFHack => Prospect: 300k chalk, 200k marble Embark: Chalk everywhere. |
Just tested and confirmed this bug still exists in version 34.11. |
This issue happens to me when following the Getting Started with Dwarf Fortress book steps which leds to not being able to find a single suitable place using the finder function. |
Yeah, just got the O'Reilly book yesterday and I'm having the same issue following the tutorial. IT doesn't find any Flux to build a starting location. |
I too am in the O'Reilly boat. I went ahead and turned minerals down to the level below the max, and now the site finder can find Flux quite easily. |
I've done a bit of disassembly diving, and I think I see what's going wrong here: When you're browsing embark locations, it displays a list of attributes (Shallow metal[s], Deep metal[s], Soil, Clay, Aquifer, etc.), and one of those attributes is "Flux". As it counts up metal ores, it first checks the layer material itself (in case you modded a layer stone to be smeltable into metal) and then all of the inclusions within it, and once it's done that it checks the "material" for [REACTION_CLASS:FLUX]; unfortunately, the material it checks is the last one it checked for metal ores, so it will only report Flux being present if either the last vein stone in the list is Calcite (which is unlikely) or if there are zero inclusions and the layer is made of flux. It is likely that the site finder uses the same logic and thus has the same bug. Effectively, this is what the code appears to be doing:
If it is that simple, then all that Toady (or a person writing a binary patch) would have to do is move that check for flux into the foreach, right? Before the mat = world.LoadMaterial(...); so that it'll check the layerstone as well. Though I think that might leave out the very last vein..? So perhaps copy it, and leave the original check where it is. |
Date Modified | Username | Field | Change |
2012-03-30 17:00 | the_game_hunt | New Issue | |
2012-03-30 17:05 | dree12 | Note Added: 0021919 | |
2012-03-30 17:05 | dree12 | Tag Attached: Intentional/Expected | |
2012-03-30 17:13 | the_game_hunt | Note Added: 0021920 | |
2012-03-30 17:13 | the_game_hunt | Note Edited: 0021920 | |
2012-03-30 17:16 | the_game_hunt | Tag Attached: site finder | |
2012-03-30 20:01 |
Note Added: 0021929 | |
2012-03-30 20:01 |
Tag Detached: Intentional/Expected | |
2012-03-30 20:02 |
Description Updated | |
2012-03-30 20:03 |
Note Added: 0021930 | |
2012-03-31 15:13 | dree12 | Note Added: 0021959 | |
2012-04-01 01:08 | Kogut | Note Added: 0021971 | |
2012-04-01 01:15 | Maristo | Note Added: 0021972 | |
2012-04-01 02:51 | Kogut | Note Added: 0021976 | |
2012-04-01 02:51 | Kogut | Note Edited: 0021976 | |
2012-04-01 09:08 |
Summary | Site finder doesnt have correct flux stone detectation => Site finder too pessimistic about presence of flux stone |
2012-04-02 04:27 | Steb | Note Added: 0022013 | |
2012-04-02 04:31 | Kogut | Note Added: 0022014 | |
2012-04-03 21:16 | tatterdemalian | Note Added: 0022068 | |
2012-05-15 07:19 |
Relationship added | has duplicate 0005885 |
2012-06-15 09:05 |
Relationship added | related to 0002440 |
2012-06-15 09:06 |
Relationship added | has duplicate 0006024 |
2012-06-15 09:09 |
Summary | Site finder too pessimistic about presence of flux stone => Setting mineral occurrence to EVERYWHERE results in flux/coal getting crowded out |
2012-06-15 09:10 |
Relationship added | has duplicate 0004425 |
2012-06-20 21:26 | Thoranius | Note Added: 0023070 | |
2012-06-28 02:32 | pedrolance | Note Added: 0023118 | |
2012-06-30 10:28 | AlienDjinn | Note Added: 0023130 | |
2012-07-06 06:16 | drakythe | Note Added: 0023172 | |
2013-05-27 12:57 | Quietust | Note Added: 0023983 | |
2013-05-27 13:01 | Quietust | Note Edited: 0023983 | |
2013-06-14 08:07 | Xolroc | Note Added: 0024004 | |
2013-11-25 15:00 |
Sticky Issue | No => Yes |
2013-11-25 15:03 |
Additional Information Updated | |
2013-11-25 15:03 |
Additional Information Updated | |
2013-11-29 14:53 |
Tag Attached: binary patch | |
2014-03-25 13:40 |
Assigned To | => user11 |
2014-03-25 13:40 |
Status | new => acknowledged |
2014-07-13 17:49 |
Relationship added | has duplicate 0007241 |
2014-07-13 17:50 |
Summary | Setting mineral occurrence to EVERYWHERE results in flux/coal getting crowded out => Site finder doesn't see flux/coal if metal ores are present |
2014-07-18 11:55 | Toady One | Status | acknowledged => resolved |
2014-07-18 11:55 | Toady One | Fixed in Version | => 51.06 |
2014-07-18 11:55 | Toady One | Resolution | open => fixed |
2014-07-18 11:55 | Toady One | Assigned To | user11 => Toady One |
2014-07-18 13:01 |
Sticky Issue | Yes => No |
2014-07-26 12:07 |
Relationship added | related to 0004451 |