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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0005755Dwarf FortressUndeathpublic2014-08-13 13:10
Reporterquintilius Assigned ToToady One  
PriorityhighSeveritymajorReproducibilityhave not tried
Status resolvedResolutionfixed 
Product Version0.34.07 
Fixed in Version0.40.09 
Summary0005755: Caravan Guard Ghosts are still not appearing for slabs
DescriptionStarted a brand new 34.07 - caravan guards were jumped right at the map edge. I noticed that the corpse wasnt in my list of dwarves to memorialize and was hoping it might show up when the ghost did... but i'm looking at the ghost right now and Id Tinothtekkud, Ghostly Hammerdwarf is nowhere to be found on the craftsdwarf workshop list. I've used DFHack's Tweak Clear-Ghostly to remove the ghost and continue the fort - but i have no idea if he'll be back.
TagsNo tags attached.


related to 0003708 resolvedToady One Ghost names that can't be engraved on a slab and nameless slab engravings 
has duplicate 0006139 resolveduser1294 Murderous Ghost - Unable to find corpse, cannot engrave. 
has duplicate 0007735 resolveduser11 Cannot engrave memorial for invading dwarf (now ghostdwarf) 
related to 0007427 resolvedToady One Unslabbable invader ghost acts like a living invader 



2012-04-02 06:38

reporter   ~0022024

Please, upload savegame in similar situation (before DFhack workarounds).


2012-04-02 07:30

reporter   ~0022027

Here you go... hadnt saved over it yet


2012-04-08 19:48

reporter   ~0022173

as i've continued to play this one out - i've gone through 12 or 13 axedwarves and speardwarves etc i've had to put down through 'alternate means' - they're only caravan guards, but if i had to say 'is it every time or not' i'd say yes. With tweak-ghostly working though - this isnt as 'major' as it was without it.


2012-05-29 11:40

reporter   ~0022777

Same problem here. 34.10. I've even entombed the corpse. The coffin says "Owner: Ducim .., Ghostly Macedwarf". He is not listed at the craftsdwarf's for memorialization.


2012-06-08 09:19

reporter   ~0022921

Confirmed for 34.11. I have ghosts of guards from a caravan wandering around my fort with no option to engrave a slab for them.


2012-06-08 12:04

reporter   ~0022924

34.11 save may be helpful.


2012-06-25 04:18

reporter   ~0023106

Last edited: 2012-06-25 04:23

Here you go. save for 34.11

Repeat simple enough. It is necessary to drop the caravan of dwarves, along with security into the lava! The lava will burn the corpses, but the engraving is permitted only for merchants.


2012-07-29 09:02


Tamaki posted a save at 0006139


2012-07-29 10:32

reporter   ~0023386

there is a way i figured to find "SOME" but not all dwarves that cannot be found, if your grave says ghostly instead of just the name it means the ghost has claimed the coffin but has not been buried yet, the thing i do is any time that happens is to remove the coffin and place it back down, freeing any original tennants to be reburied, it works half the time due to others not having bodies or the bodies not being accesible


2012-07-30 14:53

reporter   ~0023391

I once had to bury a caravan escort's arm, as that was the only piece of him left. The rest of him might have survived and run off the map, as far as I can tell. What happens if he survived, then comes back (still alive) after I buried his arm?


2014-07-28 12:31

reporter   ~0027800

Last edited: 2014-07-28 12:31

Just to say this is now happening to bandits too, though I guess that's to be expected.

It's slightly more annoying in 40.05 as everyone in my fort was too terrified to eat or drink while the ghost was in sight of the food stockpile.

(It's just a shame that with such a great bugfix release it only takes one to make me miss dfhack again :(


2014-07-29 19:57

reporter   ~0027917

I just had a similar issue ruin my fortress. Some dwarves raided me, I killed one, he came back as a ghost, and there was no way to remove him. My dwarves tasks were constantly "interrupted by ghost" so they would not eat, drink, or sleep and went insane.

Opened a ticket for it here with a save file as it seems similar but not identical

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2012-04-02 06:31 quintilius New Issue
2012-04-02 06:38 Kogut Note Added: 0022024
2012-04-02 07:30 quintilius Note Added: 0022027
2012-04-02 08:42 user6 Relationship added related to 0003708
2012-04-08 19:48 quintilius Note Added: 0022173
2012-05-29 11:40 daftfad Note Added: 0022777
2012-06-08 09:19 Kijiro Note Added: 0022921
2012-06-08 12:04 Kogut Note Added: 0022924
2012-06-25 04:18 vuking Note Added: 0023106
2012-06-25 04:23 vuking Note Edited: 0023106
2012-07-29 09:01 user1294 Relationship added has duplicate 0006139
2012-07-29 09:02 user1294 Note Added: 0023384
2012-07-29 10:32 kreepergrimms Note Added: 0023386
2012-07-30 14:53 musicmastermsh Note Added: 0023391
2014-07-28 12:31 Symmetry Note Added: 0027800
2014-07-28 12:31 Symmetry Note Edited: 0027800
2014-07-29 19:57 imagio Note Added: 0027917
2014-07-29 21:33 user6 Relationship added related to 0007427
2014-07-30 05:54 user11 Relationship added has duplicate 0007735
2014-08-12 08:15 user6 Assigned To => user6
2014-08-12 08:15 user6 Status new => confirmed
2014-08-13 12:38 Toady One Status confirmed => resolved
2014-08-13 12:38 Toady One Fixed in Version => 51.06
2014-08-13 12:38 Toady One Resolution open => fixed
2014-08-13 12:38 Toady One Assigned To user6 => Toady One