View Issue Details
ID | Project | Category | View Status | Date Submitted | Last Update |
0006081 | Dwarf Fortress | Dwarf Mode -- Trade | public | 2012-07-08 20:14 | 2014-08-13 12:40 |
Reporter | musicmastermsh | Assigned To | Toady One | ||
Priority | normal | Severity | minor | Reproducibility | have not tried |
Status | resolved | Resolution | fixed | ||
Product Version | 0.34.11 | ||||
Fixed in Version | 0.40.09 | ||||
Summary | 0006081: Some wagons are incredibly fast, others incredibly slow | ||||
Description | Traders have arrived! Within a couple seconds, one wagon zooms into sight, whips around a corner and vanishes into my trade depot faster than [insert fast metaphor here]. Soon after, the various mules and traders arrive... but I still can't trade at the trade depot. Time passes... the traders are about to leave! But they're still "unpacking" because something hasn't made it to the depot yet? Coming around the corner are... two more wagons, moving very very slowly. I don't know if they'll make it in before their buddies give up on trading and leave. | ||||
Steps To Reproduce | Wagon? | ||||
Tags | No tags attached. | ||||
has duplicate | 0006507 | resolved | Wagon moved at super speed | |
has duplicate | 0006086 | resolved | Last trader wagon is much slower than others, cannot trade | |
has duplicate | 0007744 | resolved | Wagon traveling at the speed of bolt when a bridge raised in front | |
related to | 0007113 | new | Caravan/wagon fails/refuses to leave after embarking on their journey. |
do you have any mods? |
This is a longstanding bug which dates back to and earlier. |
No mods. Various handy utilities but I don't think those would affect this? I do have a save handy in which the super wagon has arrived and slow wagons don't look like they're going to make it in before the traders leave. Frustrating but whatever, it's not like I need their stupid boxes of leather anyway. |
One of the wagons moved at about one tile per frame once it got near my depot. The other one still hasn't made it to the depot even though it's partially overlapping it. No mods, no utilities. I did change the entity raws to allow more sites/population per civ, though. The first year, the caravan didn't finish unpacking until they decided they wanted to leave, and then they didn't leave until my queen threw a tantrum and demolished the depot. This is the second year. They have not brought an outpost liaison with them either time. |
I had one instance where the wagon was so slow that I barely had time to trade before they left again. The last wagon moved in, I traded, and hardly 10 frames later they 'embarked on their journey'. |
Date Modified | Username | Field | Change |
2012-07-08 20:14 | musicmastermsh | New Issue | |
2012-07-09 11:04 | sandwich | Note Added: 0023197 | |
2012-07-09 12:09 | Quietust | Note Added: 0023199 | |
2012-07-09 16:11 | musicmastermsh | Note Added: 0023204 | |
2014-06-16 03:28 |
Relationship added | has duplicate 0006507 |
2014-07-12 09:11 |
Relationship added | related to 0006086 |
2014-07-12 09:12 |
Summary | SUPER WAGON!!! Also, very slow wagons. => Some wagons are incredibly fast, others incredibly slow |
2014-07-12 09:12 |
Relationship replaced | has duplicate 0006086 |
2014-07-12 09:12 |
Relationship added | related to 0007113 |
2014-07-30 12:45 |
Relationship added | has duplicate 0007744 |
2014-08-02 12:56 | BenLubar | Note Added: 0028157 | |
2014-08-02 12:57 | BenLubar | Note Edited: 0028157 | |
2014-08-02 12:57 | BenLubar | Note Edited: 0028157 | |
2014-08-08 18:38 | cephalo | Note Added: 0028627 | |
2014-08-08 19:34 |
Assigned To | => user6 |
2014-08-08 19:34 |
Status | new => confirmed |
2014-08-13 12:40 | Toady One | Status | confirmed => resolved |
2014-08-13 12:40 | Toady One | Fixed in Version | => 51.06 |
2014-08-13 12:40 | Toady One | Resolution | open => fixed |
2014-08-13 12:40 | Toady One | Assigned To | user6 => Toady One |