View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0006211Dwarf FortressTechnical -- Input/Keybinding/Macrospublic2014-08-26 09:59
ReporterQuietust Assigned ToToady One  
Status resolvedResolutionfixed 
Product Version0.34.11 
Fixed in Version0.40.11 
Summary0006211: "NO BINDING" for training-related keys
DescriptionIn the "Stockorder" section of Key Bindings, there are 3 "NO BINDING" options between "Animals, Slaughter" and "Kitchen, Cook". These bindings are for the "Select trainer", "War training", and "Hunting training" commands at the bottom of the Z-Animals screen.
Tagsbinary patch



2012-09-28 10:15

reporter   ~0023617

Looking at keybindings.cpp (in g_src), this is because the labels are being inserted into "bindingNames" rather than "displayNames".


2014-08-26 05:27

manager   ~0029635

Still in 0.40.10.


2014-08-26 06:35

reporter   ~0029638

--- keybindings.cpp 2014-08-17 14:08:48.000000000 -0500
+++ keybindings.cpp 2014-08-26 08:34:28.985760300 -0500
@@ -2445,9 +2445,9 @@
        displayNames.insert(INTERFACEKEY_MANAGER_MAX, "Manager, Max");
        displayNames.insert(INTERFACEKEY_MANAGER_WAGES, "Manager, Wages");
        displayNames.insert(INTERFACEKEY_PET_BUTCHER, "Animals, Slaughter");
- bindingNames.insert(INTERFACEKEY_ANIMAL_SELECT_TRAINER, "Animals, Trainer");
- bindingNames.insert(INTERFACEKEY_ANIMAL_WAR_TRAINING, "Animals, War Training");
- bindingNames.insert(INTERFACEKEY_ANIMAL_HUNTING_TRAINING, "Animals, Hunting Training");
+ displayNames.insert(INTERFACEKEY_ANIMAL_SELECT_TRAINER, "Animals, Trainer");
+ displayNames.insert(INTERFACEKEY_ANIMAL_WAR_TRAINING, "Animals, War Training");
+ displayNames.insert(INTERFACEKEY_ANIMAL_HUNTING_TRAINING, "Animals, Hunting Training");
        displayNames.insert(INTERFACEKEY_KITCHEN_COOK, "Kitchen, Cook");
        displayNames.insert(INTERFACEKEY_KITCHEN_BREW, "Kitchen, Brew");
        displayNames.insert(INTERFACEKEY_SETUPGAME_NEW, "Setup, New");

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2012-09-28 10:14 Quietust New Issue
2012-09-28 10:15 Quietust Note Added: 0023617
2014-08-26 05:27 lethosor Note Added: 0029635
2014-08-26 05:27 lethosor Assigned To => lethosor
2014-08-26 05:27 lethosor Status new => confirmed
2014-08-26 06:35 Quietust Note Added: 0029638
2014-08-26 06:43 user6 Tag Attached: binary patch
2014-08-26 09:59 Toady One Status confirmed => resolved
2014-08-26 09:59 Toady One Fixed in Version => 51.06
2014-08-26 09:59 Toady One Resolution open => fixed
2014-08-26 09:59 Toady One Assigned To lethosor => Toady One