View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0006364Dwarf FortressCombat -- Generalpublic2014-07-23 10:49
ReporterUristDaVinci Assigned ToToady One  
Status resolvedResolutionfixed 
Product Version0.34.11 
Fixed in Version0.40.05 
Summary0006364: Weight fraction not considered when calculating weapon velocities
DescriptionItem weight appears to be stored as two numbers. The first number is the integer weight of the item. The second is the xxxxxx/1000000 fractional weight of the item. It appears that only the integer weight is used in the calculation of the (melee or ranged) weapon's (swing/shoot) velocity.

However, the momentum of the weapon appears to be calculated using both the integer weight and the weight fraction. This puts discontinuities in the plot of weapon momentum vs weight, and causes weapons of weights 0.999999 or less to travel at the MAX_VEL.
Steps To ReproduceA melee weapon of weight 0.999999 has roughly 2x the momentum of a weapon of weight 1.000001

A melee weapon of weight 1.999999 has roughly 1.5x the momentum of a weapon of weight 2.000001


I discovered the bug through various experiments in the arena, but Toady should be able to debug the numbers directly.
Additional InformationBug 0006262 is a sub-bug (child) of the larger problem.
Tagsbinary patch, Probable Quick Fix


related to 0006262 resolvedToady One Rounding Error in Calculation of Projectile Velocities 



2013-09-26 18:55

reporter   ~0024143

The bug is due to weight_fraction being divided by 100000 instead of 10000, causing a weapon of weight x.yyyyyy to act like a weapon of weight x.0yyyyyy

The following binary patch fixes this problem in Win32 v0.34.11 SDL:
 0x006C8BE2 : 89 b5 f8 14 -> d7 c5 6d 34
 0x006C8BEE : 0D -> 0B

so you end up with this at 0x006C8BE0 :
ff b8 d7 c5 6d 34 6b db 64 f7 6f 60 cl fa 0b 8b


2013-10-09 12:33

reporter   ~0024163

Last edited: 2013-10-09 21:16

The binary patch doesn't fix the related bug 0006262, which is caused by a different problem in other code.

Toady One

2014-07-23 10:49

administrator   ~0027330

This one bizarrely had the correct calculation in the debug log on the line below it. The extra zero must have gotten in later somehow... Scamps will be blamed.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2013-07-30 23:40 UristDaVinci New Issue
2013-08-02 04:28 user1294 Relationship added related to 0006262
2013-09-26 18:55 UristDaVinci Note Added: 0024143
2013-09-26 18:58 UristDaVinci Tag Attached: binary patch
2013-09-26 18:58 UristDaVinci Tag Attached: Probable Quick Fix
2013-10-09 12:33 UristDaVinci Note Added: 0024163
2013-10-09 21:16 user6 Note Edited: 0024163
2014-03-25 13:22 user11 Assigned To => user11
2014-03-25 13:22 user11 Status new => acknowledged
2014-07-23 10:49 Toady One Note Added: 0027330
2014-07-23 10:49 Toady One Status acknowledged => resolved
2014-07-23 10:49 Toady One Fixed in Version => 51.06
2014-07-23 10:49 Toady One Resolution open => fixed
2014-07-23 10:49 Toady One Assigned To user11 => Toady One